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EBS 수능특강 영어영역 영어(2024)(2025 수능대비) Part 1 유형편 4권
EBS 수능특강 영어영역 영어(2024)(2025 수능대비) Part 1 유형편 4권
EBS 수능특강 영어영역 영어(2024)(2025 수능대비) Part 1 유형편 4권
18 장문 독해 (1) 03~04
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18 장문 독해 (1) 03~04
Some people claim that gratitude is just about thinking nice thoughts and expecting good things ― and ignores the negativity, pain, and suffering in life. Well, they're wrong. Consider our definition of gratitude, as a specific way of thinking about receiving a benefit and giving credit to others besides yourself for that benefit. In fact, gratitude can be very difficult, because it requires that you recognize your dependence on others, and that's not always positive. You have to humble yourself, in the sense that you have to become a good receiver of others' support and generosity. That can be very hard ― most people are better givers than receivers. What's more, feelings of gratitude can sometimes stir up related feelings of indebtedness and obligation, which doesn't sound like positive thinking at all: If I am grateful for something you provided to me, I have to take care of that thing ― I might even have to reciprocate at some appropriate time in the future. That type of indebtedness or obligation can be perceived very negatively ― it can cause people real discomfort, as Jill Suttie explores in her essay "How to Say Thanks Without Feeling Indebted." The data bear this out. When people are grateful, they aren't necessarily free of negative emotions ― we don't find that they necessarily have less anxiety or less tension or less unhappiness. Practicing gratitude magnifies positive feelings more than it reduces negative feelings. If gratitude were just positive thinking, or a form of denial, you'd experience no negative thoughts or feelings when you're keeping a gratitude journal, for instance. But, in fact, people do.
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1 Some people claim that gratitude is just about thinking nice thoughts and expecting good things ― and ignores the negativity, pain, and suffering in life. 2 Well, they're wrong. 3 Consider our definition of gratitude, as a specific way of thinking about receiving a benefit and giving credit to others besides yourself for that benefit. 4 In fact, gratitude can be very difficult, because it requires that you recognize your dependence on others, and that's not always positive. 5 You have to humble yourself, in the sense that you have to become a good receiver of others' support and generosity. 6 That can be very hard ― most people are better givers than receivers. 7 What's more, feelings of gratitude can sometimes stir up related feelings of indebtedness and obligation, which doesn't sound like positive thinking at all: If I am grateful for something you provided to me, I have to take care of that thing ― I might even have to reciprocate at some appropriate time in the future. 8 That type of indebtedness or obligation can be perceived very negatively ― it can cause people real discomfort, as Jill Suttie explores in her essay "How to Say Thanks Without Feeling Indebted." 9 The data bear this out. 10 When people are grateful, they aren't necessarily free of negative emotions ― we don't find that they necessarily have less anxiety or less tension or less unhappiness. 11 Practicing gratitude magnifies positive feelings more than it reduces negative feelings. 12 If gratitude were just positive thinking, or a form of denial, you'd experience no negative thoughts or feelings when you're keeping a gratitude journal, for instance. 13 But, in fact, people do.