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EBS 수능특강 영어영역 영어(2024)(2025 수능대비) Part 1 유형편 4권
EBS 수능특강 영어영역 영어(2024)(2025 수능대비) Part 1 유형편 4권
EBS 수능특강 영어영역 영어(2024)(2025 수능대비) Part 1 유형편 4권
18 장문 독해 (1) 07~08
지문 전체 문장
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18 장문 독해 (1) 07~08
Not surprisingly, usage of unsafely designed and insecurely implemented software presents some risks. After distributed software reaches user sites, installation and administration of system and application software, when improperly performed, may adversely affect performance and proper functioning of such software. Due to the complexity as well as due to inadequate documentation of these systems, users hardly understand effects of their attempts to "properly" use such systems. Consequently, users apply "trial and error" methods in learning to work with new features, rather than trying methodologically to understand which functions may have which effects, and which precautions should be taken to avoid unwished side-effects. This somewhat "explorative" way to use systems rather often leads to a risky attitude with potentially harmful effects, e.g., by clicking on unknown attachments without due care. Software manufacturers often argue that failure of software is mainly caused by improper actions of users. But in many — if not most — cases, the human-computer interface (e.g. the display of functions and operations on the screen, or the handling of input devices such as mouse and keyboard) is inadequately designed and users are not properly supported by help functions (which when existing in many cases are so complex that users are further misled). While users are primarily interested in doing their work, one must admit that they rather often tend to forget about any precaution and even sometimes bypass security measures when thinking that their work performance is reduced.
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학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Not surprisingly, usage of unsafely designed and insecurely implemented software presents some risks. 2 After distributed software reaches user sites, installation and administration of system and application software, when improperly performed, may adversely affect performance and proper functioning of such software. 3 Due to the complexity as well as due to inadequate documentation of these systems, users hardly understand effects of their attempts to "properly" use such systems. 4 Consequently, users apply "trial and error" methods in learning to work with new features, rather than trying methodologically to understand which functions may have which effects, and which precautions should be taken to avoid unwished side-effects. 5 This somewhat "explorative" way to use systems rather often leads to a risky attitude with potentially harmful effects, e.g., by clicking on unknown attachments without due care. 6 Software manufacturers often argue that failure of software is mainly caused by improper actions of users. 7 But in many — if not most — cases, the human-computer interface (e.g. the display of functions and operations on the screen, or the handling of input devices such as mouse and keyboard) is inadequately designed and users are not properly supported by help functions (which when existing in many cases are so complex that users are further misled). 8 While users are primarily interested in doing their work, one must admit that they rather often tend to forget about any precaution and even sometimes bypass security measures when thinking that their work performance is reduced.