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A reinforcer is any event that, when made to follow a response, increases the frequency of that response. The tone is often monotonous because the person who clutters speaks without much variation in pitch and stress. However, most people who clutter are able to articulate the speech sounds correctly if they speak at a slower rate. Cluttering is a complex disorder of communication with impaired fluency and rapid but disordered articulation, possibly combined with disorganized thought and language production. The words and syllables are telescoped. Another disorder of fluency is called cluttering. Given the right circumstances in which certain environmental factors such as pressure, conditioning, and conflict and operative, stuttering may be likely to develop. Some instability of the nervous system, a potential problem in the way the brain executes movements of speech, may be part of this genetic vulnerability. On television commercials one can hear speech that is very rapid, yet intelligible, because all the sounds and syllables are articulated. Both organic and environmental factors play a role in its origin and maintenance. A valid theory of stuttering should take into account both the neurophysiological and environmental factors and all the well-established facts about it. The two major approaches which are organic and environmental describe to explaining stuttering. Although stuttering can be reduced by experimental methods and behavioral treatment methods, we need more evidence to support the claim that stuttering originates as an operant behavior in the natural environment. Stuttering may be drastically reduced by awarding a token for fluent productions and withdrawing the same for stuttering. Many effective treatment procedures positively reinforce fluency and giver corrective feedback for stuttering. Almost all treatment research offers indirect support to the operant theory of stuttering because they are all based on assumption that stuttering is learned. In essence, like operant behavior, stuttering can be increased or decreased by presenting various stimuli. In some experiments, verbal punishers such as "no" and "wrong" have been used to reduce the frequency of stuttering. The operant theory of stuttering is based on some experiments that have shown that stuttering can be experimentally increased by reinforcement and decreased by punishment. Stimuli, including people, objects, and physical settings, that are associated with a punished and thus decreasing response are called an S-delta. Stimuli, including persons, objects, and physical settings, that are associated with a reinforced response are called discriminative stimuli. A punisher is any event that, when made to follow a response, decreases the frequency of that response. In contrast, the cluttering person's rapid speech is unintelligible mainly because of syllable deletions and other errors of articulation. Just when a listener thinks that a person who clutters is about to say something, the person will have finished a whole sentence, often swallowing many syllables. The speech is indistinct mainly because of many errors of articulation. Often, cluttering coexists with stuttering. Historically, this disorder had not received much attention in the United States, but this is now changing. It is probably safe to assume that genetic predisposition makes certain individuals vulnerable to stuttering. Most of the theories illuminate a certain aspect of stuttering. The rhythm of the cluttered speech is jerky and stumbling.
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1 A reinforcer is any event that, when made to follow a response, increases the frequency of that response. 2 The tone is often monotonous because the person who clutters speaks without much variation in pitch and stress. 3 However, most people who clutter are able to articulate the speech sounds correctly if they speak at a slower rate. 4 Cluttering is a complex disorder of communication with impaired fluency and rapid but disordered articulation, possibly combined with disorganized thought and language production. 5 The words and syllables are telescoped. 6 Another disorder of fluency is called cluttering. 7 Given the right circumstances in which certain environmental factors such as pressure, conditioning, and conflict and operative, stuttering may be likely to develop. 8 Some instability of the nervous system, a potential problem in the way the brain executes movements of speech, may be part of this genetic vulnerability. 9 On television commercials one can hear speech that is very rapid, yet intelligible, because all the sounds and syllables are articulated. 10 Both organic and environmental factors play a role in its origin and maintenance. 11 A valid theory of stuttering should take into account both the neurophysiological and environmental factors and all the well-established facts about it. 12 The two major approaches which are organic and environmental describe to explaining stuttering. 13 Although stuttering can be reduced by experimental methods and behavioral treatment methods, we need more evidence to support the claim that stuttering originates as an operant behavior in the natural environment. 14 Stuttering may be drastically reduced by awarding a token for fluent productions and withdrawing the same for stuttering. 15 Many effective treatment procedures positively reinforce fluency and giver corrective feedback for stuttering. 16 Almost all treatment research offers indirect support to the operant theory of stuttering because they are all based on assumption that stuttering is learned. 17 In essence, like operant behavior, stuttering can be increased or decreased by presenting various stimuli. 18 In some experiments, verbal punishers such as "no" and "wrong" have been used to reduce the frequency of stuttering. 19 The operant theory of stuttering is based on some experiments that have shown that stuttering can be experimentally increased by reinforcement and decreased by punishment. 20 Stimuli, including people, objects, and physical settings, that are associated with a punished and thus decreasing response are called an S-delta. 21 Stimuli, including persons, objects, and physical settings, that are associated with a reinforced response are called discriminative stimuli. 22 A punisher is any event that, when made to follow a response, decreases the frequency of that response. 23 In contrast, the cluttering person's rapid speech is unintelligible mainly because of syllable deletions and other errors of articulation. 24 Just when a listener thinks that a person who clutters is about to say something, the person will have finished a whole sentence, often swallowing many syllables. 25 The speech is indistinct mainly because of many errors of articulation. 26 Often, cluttering coexists with stuttering. 27 Historically, this disorder had not received much attention in the United States, but this is now changing. 28 It is probably safe to assume that genetic predisposition makes certain individuals vulnerable to stuttering. 29 Most of the theories illuminate a certain aspect of stuttering. 30 The rhythm of the cluttered speech is jerky and stumbling.