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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
The brain is the most important structure for speech, language, hearing, and all higher activities found in humans. Patients with a damaged cerebellum are likely to show a speech disorder called ataxic dysarthria. Damage to the cerebellum causes a neurological condition called ataxia, which is found in some children with cerebral palsy and adults who have suffered cerebellar damage. Because such movements are essential for rapid speech, the activities of the cerebellum are important for speech. The cerebellum is a major structure of movement. Above the cerebellum lies the occipital lobe of the cerebral hemispheres. The cerebellum is a major structure of the central nervous system. Basal ganglia are a part of the extrapyramidal system, which controls motor movements indirectly. The structures deep within the brain that help to integrate motor impulses are called basal ganglia. At the level of the medulla, the pyramidal tracts from the left and the right side of the brain cross over to the other side. Located above the pons and in the middle of other brain structures, the midbrain, also known as the mesencephalon, is a narrow structure. The roundish and bulging pons, which means bridge, connects the two halves of the cerebellum. It contains nerves that carry commands from the motor center in the brain to various muscles. The medulla controls breathing and other vital functions of the body. The primary structures of the brainstem are the medulla, the pons, and the midbrain. The cranial nerves are so called because they enter or exit the same structural space that is occupied by the brain. Spinal nerves carry both sensory and motor impulses to and from the brain. The upper portion of the spinal cord is continuous with the lower portion of the brain, which is known as the brain stem. The spinal cord is wrapped in thin linings called meningeal linings. The spinal cord is an elongated structure within the spinal canal of the vertebral column. The central nervous system includes the spinal cord and the brain. The complex and highly evolved central nervous system has made it possible for humans to think, talk, write, paint, sing, and dance. This system, with sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, supplies the smooth muscles within the body and the various glands that secrete hormones. The autonomic nervous system controls this internal environment. The spinal nerves of the peripheral nervous system are closely related to the autonomic nervous system. Other nerves carry impulses from the brain to the muscles to make those muscles move. Some cranial nerves carry sensory information from a sense organ to the brain. The nerves exit at different levels of the brain stem and the top portion of the spinal cord. Cranial nerves exit through holes, called foramina, in the base of the skull.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 The brain is the most important structure for speech, language, hearing, and all higher activities found in humans. 2 Patients with a damaged cerebellum are likely to show a speech disorder called ataxic dysarthria. 3 Damage to the cerebellum causes a neurological condition called ataxia, which is found in some children with cerebral palsy and adults who have suffered cerebellar damage. 4 Because such movements are essential for rapid speech, the activities of the cerebellum are important for speech. 5 The cerebellum is a major structure of movement. 6 Above the cerebellum lies the occipital lobe of the cerebral hemispheres. 7 The cerebellum is a major structure of the central nervous system. 8 Basal ganglia are a part of the extrapyramidal system, which controls motor movements indirectly. 9 The structures deep within the brain that help to integrate motor impulses are called basal ganglia. 10 At the level of the medulla, the pyramidal tracts from the left and the right side of the brain cross over to the other side. 11 Located above the pons and in the middle of other brain structures, the midbrain, also known as the mesencephalon, is a narrow structure. 12 The roundish and bulging pons, which means bridge, connects the two halves of the cerebellum. 13 It contains nerves that carry commands from the motor center in the brain to various muscles. 14 The medulla controls breathing and other vital functions of the body. 15 The primary structures of the brainstem are the medulla, the pons, and the midbrain. 16 The cranial nerves are so called because they enter or exit the same structural space that is occupied by the brain. 17 Spinal nerves carry both sensory and motor impulses to and from the brain. 18 The upper portion of the spinal cord is continuous with the lower portion of the brain, which is known as the brain stem. 19 The spinal cord is wrapped in thin linings called meningeal linings. 20 The spinal cord is an elongated structure within the spinal canal of the vertebral column. 21 The central nervous system includes the spinal cord and the brain. 22 The complex and highly evolved central nervous system has made it possible for humans to think, talk, write, paint, sing, and dance. 23 This system, with sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, supplies the smooth muscles within the body and the various glands that secrete hormones. 24 The autonomic nervous system controls this internal environment. 25 The spinal nerves of the peripheral nervous system are closely related to the autonomic nervous system. 26 Other nerves carry impulses from the brain to the muscles to make those muscles move. 27 Some cranial nerves carry sensory information from a sense organ to the brain. 28 The nerves exit at different levels of the brain stem and the top portion of the spinal cord. 29 Cranial nerves exit through holes, called foramina, in the base of the skull.