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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Aphonia is loss of voice. Most people are able to articulate the speech sounds. It is clear that there is no single, satisfactory theory of stuttering. There are two major approaches which are organic and environmental to explaining stuttering. The two major approaches which are organic and environmental summaririze to explaining stuttering. Many effective treatment procedures positively reinforce fluency and give corrective feedback for stuttering. A total and constant loss of voice is rare and such a condition is often described as muteness and is seen in patients who are at the terminal stage of neurodegenerative diseases. At times, the person may be able to speak with voice, although that voice may be breathy, hoarse, and weak. Organic voice disorders are associated with some form of structural deviation or change in the phonatory mechanism. The hoarseness is due to structural changes in the vocal nodules, and thus it is more appropriately classified as an organic voice disorder. The hoarse voice associated with vocal nodule may be described as functional because the nodule that causes it is in turn caused by vocally abusive behaviors. Some voice specialists describe certain voice disorders that are indeed associated with tissue changes as functional because the cause of speech tissue changes is behavioral. An adult male who speaks with a very high-pitched voice when there is no organic basis for it is also said to have a functional voice disorder. Functional voice disorders are those that are not associated with tissue changes in the vocal folds and related structures. That the cause of the nodules is behavioral does not mean the hoarseness that is due to nodules is functional. The aphonic patient typically speaks in whispers. In such cases, the person's problem may be an alternating aphonia and dysphonia. A person who suddenly lose his or her voice without a physiological or neurological basis is said to have a functional aphonia. A physical disease may cause such disorders. When there is no vocal fold paralysis, the loss of voice may not be constant. Paralysis of the vocal folds, tumor of the larynx, or vocal nodules illustrate structural abnormalities.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Aphonia is loss of voice. 2 Most people are able to articulate the speech sounds. 3 It is clear that there is no single, satisfactory theory of stuttering. 4 There are two major approaches which are organic and environmental to explaining stuttering. 5 The two major approaches which are organic and environmental summaririze to explaining stuttering. 6 Many effective treatment procedures positively reinforce fluency and give corrective feedback for stuttering. 7 A total and constant loss of voice is rare and such a condition is often described as muteness and is seen in patients who are at the terminal stage of neurodegenerative diseases. 8 At times, the person may be able to speak with voice, although that voice may be breathy, hoarse, and weak. 9 Organic voice disorders are associated with some form of structural deviation or change in the phonatory mechanism. 10 The hoarseness is due to structural changes in the vocal nodules, and thus it is more appropriately classified as an organic voice disorder. 11 The hoarse voice associated with vocal nodule may be described as functional because the nodule that causes it is in turn caused by vocally abusive behaviors. 12 Some voice specialists describe certain voice disorders that are indeed associated with tissue changes as functional because the cause of speech tissue changes is behavioral. 13 An adult male who speaks with a very high-pitched voice when there is no organic basis for it is also said to have a functional voice disorder. 14 Functional voice disorders are those that are not associated with tissue changes in the vocal folds and related structures. 15 That the cause of the nodules is behavioral does not mean the hoarseness that is due to nodules is functional. 16 The aphonic patient typically speaks in whispers. 17 In such cases, the person's problem may be an alternating aphonia and dysphonia. 18 A person who suddenly lose his or her voice without a physiological or neurological basis is said to have a functional aphonia. 19 A physical disease may cause such disorders. 20 When there is no vocal fold paralysis, the loss of voice may not be constant. 21 Paralysis of the vocal folds, tumor of the larynx, or vocal nodules illustrate structural abnormalities.