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문장 선택
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A 50-year-old adult with a 45-year history of stuttering may show only a few mild associated mot behaviors, if any at all. Another speech disorder of neurological origin that includes speech sound errors is called apraxia of speech. There is something wrong. Parents and other adults cannot indefinitely withhold their reactions to the child's difficulties. The negative feelings and the eventual avoidance behaviors the person who stutters develops may have an origin in this awareness of being different in speech. To the boy who has not already figured out that there is something wrong with his speech, a response from another person will certainly make it clear. Soon, the child is frustrated by his own struggle to express himself. However, children who the stuttering child plays with are more than likely to say something. The child gradually or even suddenly becomes aware of his unique struggles and tensions associated with speech. A 3-year-old boy who begins to repeat and prolong may not be aware of his speech difficulty, but this lack of awareness does not too long. A person who stutters is bound to experience certain emotional and behavioral effects of this profound speech difficulty. However, when they are present, the exaggerated associated movements and muscular tension make the diagnosis of stuttering virtually certain. However, when they present, the exaggerated associated movements and muscular tension make the diagnosis of stuttering virtually certain. Therefore, associated motor behaviors are not a necessary minimum condition to diagnose stuttering. Typically, associated motor behaviors are exhibited only during the production of dysfluent and tensed speech. A 50-year-old adult with a 45-year history of stuttering may show only a few mild associated mot behaviors. Individual exhibit these associated motor behaviors. A 5-year-old child with a history of only a few months of stuttering may show a complex set of bizarre motor behaviors. These behaviors are not necessarily related to age or the number of years of stuttering. The behaviors are not necessarily related to age or the number of years of stuttering. Not all speakers who stutter show marked associated behaviors. The associated motor behaviors are not crucial for a diagnosis of stuttering. The associated motor behaviors directly help people who stutter speak fluently. Eventually, they become a part of stuttering. Certain breathing abnormalities also may be associated with stuttering. Most of the facial gestures are associated with excessive tension in the speech muscles. Movements of hands and feet also may be associated with stuttering. At no time do the associated motor behaviors directly help people who stutter speak fluently. Therefore, initially, many associated motor behaviors may be coincidentally associated with the termination of stuttering. He happens to complete words and the rest of the utterance. Individuals exhibit these motor behaviors most likely.
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inventory_2단어 목록 ● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 A 50-year-old adult with a 45-year history of stuttering may show only a few mild associated mot behaviors, if any at all. 2 Another speech disorder of neurological origin that includes speech sound errors is called apraxia of speech. 3 There is something wrong. 4 Parents and other adults cannot indefinitely withhold their reactions to the child's difficulties. 5 The negative feelings and the eventual avoidance behaviors the person who stutters develops may have an origin in this awareness of being different in speech. 6 To the boy who has not already figured out that there is something wrong with his speech, a response from another person will certainly make it clear. 7 Soon, the child is frustrated by his own struggle to express himself. 8 However, children who the stuttering child plays with are more than likely to say something. 9 The child gradually or even suddenly becomes aware of his unique struggles and tensions associated with speech. 10 A 3-year-old boy who begins to repeat and prolong may not be aware of his speech difficulty, but this lack of awareness does not too long. 11 A person who stutters is bound to experience certain emotional and behavioral effects of this profound speech difficulty. 12 However, when they are present, the exaggerated associated movements and muscular tension make the diagnosis of stuttering virtually certain. 13 However, when they present, the exaggerated associated movements and muscular tension make the diagnosis of stuttering virtually certain. 14 Therefore, associated motor behaviors are not a necessary minimum condition to diagnose stuttering. 15 Typically, associated motor behaviors are exhibited only during the production of dysfluent and tensed speech. 16 A 50-year-old adult with a 45-year history of stuttering may show only a few mild associated mot behaviors. 17 Individual exhibit these associated motor behaviors. 18 A 5-year-old child with a history of only a few months of stuttering may show a complex set of bizarre motor behaviors. 19 These behaviors are not necessarily related to age or the number of years of stuttering. 20 The behaviors are not necessarily related to age or the number of years of stuttering. 21 Not all speakers who stutter show marked associated behaviors. 22 The associated motor behaviors are not crucial for a diagnosis of stuttering. 23 The associated motor behaviors directly help people who stutter speak fluently. 24 Eventually, they become a part of stuttering. 25 Certain breathing abnormalities also may be associated with stuttering. 26 Most of the facial gestures are associated with excessive tension in the speech muscles. 27 Movements of hands and feet also may be associated with stuttering. 28 At no time do the associated motor behaviors directly help people who stutter speak fluently. 29 Therefore, initially, many associated motor behaviors may be coincidentally associated with the termination of stuttering. 30 He happens to complete words and the rest of the utterance. 31 Individuals exhibit these motor behaviors most likely.