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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Inhalation and exhalation and the act of speaking are related in a complex manner. Therefore, breathing abnormalities are associated with both organic and functional disorders of communication. Respiratory problems most frequently found in speech and voice disorders result from improper breathing patterns during speaking, which may be due to damaged neural control of the muscles of breathing. The production of speech needs a supply of moving air that can make the vocal folds vibrate. Inhalation and exhalation create the rhythmic cycle of respiration. The diaphragm plays a major role in breathing because the lungs rest on it. Many muscles under the control of the nervous system implement the action of breathing and talking. When an excessive amount of carbon dioxide creates a need for oxygen, a structure in the brain stem called the medulla oblongata fires impulses to the muscles of respiration. These include muscles in between ribs and several muscles in the neck, chest, and stomach. The trachea, which is a tube formed by about 20 rings of cartilage, is the starting point of the lower airway. The cone-shaped lungs are a part of the pulmonary system, which includes the lower and upper airways. The floor of the thoracic cavity is the diaphragm, which is a thick muscle, shaped like a dome. Also known as the thoracic cage and commonly called the chest, the rib cage consists of 12 pairs of ribs that form a cylinder-like structure. Several structures including the rib cage, diaphragm, and lungs make this action possible. It is believed that the first or the native language influences the acquisition and production of the second language. We breathe in and breathe out, and we normally speak on exhalation. The cavities of the throat, mouth, and nose also help modify the qualities of the sound produced by the larynx. The speaker uses the airstream to vibrate the vocal folds. The central nervous system is responsible for initiating and integrating all the activities of other structures into a planned and coordinated activity called speech and an abstract entity called language. The major structures of speech include the respiratory, phonatory, and articulatory systems. The twin profession in communicative disorders include speech-language pathology and audiology. Hearing science is the study of hearing, its anatomy and physiology, its perception and understanding, and its relation to communication. Language science is the study of the larger, more abstract, and organized system of verbal or nonverbal means of communication. Speech science is a study of speech, its anatomical and physiological bases, the formation and production of speech sounds, and the perception and understanding or speech. The science of communication includes the speech and language sciences and the hearing science. A child also might become bilingual when the parents speak one language but the surrounding community speaks another language. A child may become bilingual because the mother and the father frequently speak different languages. There is a long-held belief that a bilingual child may not learn either language well, but this belief is not totally supported by researchers.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Inhalation and exhalation and the act of speaking are related in a complex manner. 2 Therefore, breathing abnormalities are associated with both organic and functional disorders of communication. 3 Respiratory problems most frequently found in speech and voice disorders result from improper breathing patterns during speaking, which may be due to damaged neural control of the muscles of breathing. 4 The production of speech needs a supply of moving air that can make the vocal folds vibrate. 5 Inhalation and exhalation create the rhythmic cycle of respiration. 6 The diaphragm plays a major role in breathing because the lungs rest on it. 7 Many muscles under the control of the nervous system implement the action of breathing and talking. 8 When an excessive amount of carbon dioxide creates a need for oxygen, a structure in the brain stem called the medulla oblongata fires impulses to the muscles of respiration. 9 These include muscles in between ribs and several muscles in the neck, chest, and stomach. 10 The trachea, which is a tube formed by about 20 rings of cartilage, is the starting point of the lower airway. 11 The cone-shaped lungs are a part of the pulmonary system, which includes the lower and upper airways. 12 The floor of the thoracic cavity is the diaphragm, which is a thick muscle, shaped like a dome. 13 Also known as the thoracic cage and commonly called the chest, the rib cage consists of 12 pairs of ribs that form a cylinder-like structure. 14 Several structures including the rib cage, diaphragm, and lungs make this action possible. 15 It is believed that the first or the native language influences the acquisition and production of the second language. 16 We breathe in and breathe out, and we normally speak on exhalation. 17 The cavities of the throat, mouth, and nose also help modify the qualities of the sound produced by the larynx. 18 The speaker uses the airstream to vibrate the vocal folds. 19 The central nervous system is responsible for initiating and integrating all the activities of other structures into a planned and coordinated activity called speech and an abstract entity called language. 20 The major structures of speech include the respiratory, phonatory, and articulatory systems. 21 The twin profession in communicative disorders include speech-language pathology and audiology. 22 Hearing science is the study of hearing, its anatomy and physiology, its perception and understanding, and its relation to communication. 23 Language science is the study of the larger, more abstract, and organized system of verbal or nonverbal means of communication. 24 Speech science is a study of speech, its anatomical and physiological bases, the formation and production of speech sounds, and the perception and understanding or speech. 25 The science of communication includes the speech and language sciences and the hearing science. 26 A child also might become bilingual when the parents speak one language but the surrounding community speaks another language. 27 A child may become bilingual because the mother and the father frequently speak different languages. 28 There is a long-held belief that a bilingual child may not learn either language well, but this belief is not totally supported by researchers.