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If it is not excessive, it may be a unique part of that individual's voice. However, many vowel sounds, which are considered non-nasal, do contain some nasal resonance. The posterior pharyngeal wall also may move forward to meet the velum. For the most part, nasal resonance and the problems associated with it are a matter of the workings of the velopharyngeal mechanism, which connects and disconnects the oral and nasal cavities. In the cause of cul-de-sac resonance, more forward tongue carriage and movements are demonstrated and reinforced. Therefore, when we say that non-nasal sounds lack nasal resonance, we mean only that the predominant resonance is oral and that the nasal resonance is not noticeable. The speech-language pathologists can treat most oral resonance problems. A person who exhibits hypernasality sounds like he or she is speaking through the nose. Another oral resonance problem results when a person speaks with very little mouth opening. Individuals with neurological problems and hearing impairment often have difficulty making proper tongue adjustments. The lack of adequate closure has many causes, but most of them are organic. It is known as cul-de-sac resonance due to an oral cavity that is partially closed at the back and open in the front. Because it reduces the dimensions of the oral cavity, a retracted tongue that bulges at the back of the mouth during speech also can create oral resonance problems. Cleft palate is a major cause of hypernasality. This kind of oral resonance is associated with baby talk, most easily notice when an adults talks in that manner. Clinically significant breathiness is excessive air leakage that adds noise and sounds distracting or unpleasant. Hypernasality results when the velopharyngeal mechanism does not close the opening to the nasal passage during the production of non-nasal sounds. As a result, the air and sound continue to escape through the nose, adding unnecessary nasal resonance to non-nasal speech sounds. Listeners may or may not notice this nasal resonance, but instrument can measure it. When the bone of the palate do not fuse, the oral and nasal cavities are always connected. The sides of the pharyngeal wall also can constrict like a sphincter. The soft palate moves up and back to make a contact with the posterior pharyngeal wall. In the case of excessive backward carriage of the tongue, the clinician teaches a more normal carriage and movement of the tongue. The clenched-teeth speaking posture greatly reduces the area of the vocal cavity that resonates the laryngeal tone and the result is reduced oral resonance. Individuals with no organic deviations also might acquire the habit of carrying the tongue too far back in the mouth while speaking, resulting in cul-de-sac resonance. The tongue blocks some of the sound waves generated by the larynx from reaching the oral cavity and the result is a distorted voice and resonance. This thin resonance is reduced oral resonance because of the forward carriage of the tongue. Some individuals may habitually speak with a slightly breathy voice, and they may have been socially reinforced for that kind of voice. All of these movements close the velopharyngeal port and reduce or eliminate nasal resonance on non-nasal speech sounds. Limited movements of the lips and the jaw contribute to that thin resonance.
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1 If it is not excessive, it may be a unique part of that individual's voice. 2 However, many vowel sounds, which are considered non-nasal, do contain some nasal resonance. 3 The posterior pharyngeal wall also may move forward to meet the velum. 4 For the most part, nasal resonance and the problems associated with it are a matter of the workings of the velopharyngeal mechanism, which connects and disconnects the oral and nasal cavities. 5 In the cause of cul-de-sac resonance, more forward tongue carriage and movements are demonstrated and reinforced. 6 Therefore, when we say that non-nasal sounds lack nasal resonance, we mean only that the predominant resonance is oral and that the nasal resonance is not noticeable. 7 The speech-language pathologists can treat most oral resonance problems. 8 A person who exhibits hypernasality sounds like he or she is speaking through the nose. 9 Another oral resonance problem results when a person speaks with very little mouth opening. 10 Individuals with neurological problems and hearing impairment often have difficulty making proper tongue adjustments. 11 The lack of adequate closure has many causes, but most of them are organic. 12 It is known as cul-de-sac resonance due to an oral cavity that is partially closed at the back and open in the front. 13 Because it reduces the dimensions of the oral cavity, a retracted tongue that bulges at the back of the mouth during speech also can create oral resonance problems. 14 Cleft palate is a major cause of hypernasality. 15 This kind of oral resonance is associated with baby talk, most easily notice when an adults talks in that manner. 16 Clinically significant breathiness is excessive air leakage that adds noise and sounds distracting or unpleasant. 17 Hypernasality results when the velopharyngeal mechanism does not close the opening to the nasal passage during the production of non-nasal sounds. 18 As a result, the air and sound continue to escape through the nose, adding unnecessary nasal resonance to non-nasal speech sounds. 19 Listeners may or may not notice this nasal resonance, but instrument can measure it. 20 When the bone of the palate do not fuse, the oral and nasal cavities are always connected. 21 The sides of the pharyngeal wall also can constrict like a sphincter. 22 The soft palate moves up and back to make a contact with the posterior pharyngeal wall. 23 In the case of excessive backward carriage of the tongue, the clinician teaches a more normal carriage and movement of the tongue. 24 The clenched-teeth speaking posture greatly reduces the area of the vocal cavity that resonates the laryngeal tone and the result is reduced oral resonance. 25 Individuals with no organic deviations also might acquire the habit of carrying the tongue too far back in the mouth while speaking, resulting in cul-de-sac resonance. 26 The tongue blocks some of the sound waves generated by the larynx from reaching the oral cavity and the result is a distorted voice and resonance. 27 This thin resonance is reduced oral resonance because of the forward carriage of the tongue. 28 Some individuals may habitually speak with a slightly breathy voice, and they may have been socially reinforced for that kind of voice. 29 All of these movements close the velopharyngeal port and reduce or eliminate nasal resonance on non-nasal speech sounds. 30 Limited movements of the lips and the jaw contribute to that thin resonance.