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지문 분석결과
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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
The oral tract is more open in the production of vowels than it is in the production of consonants. Words of the dominant language are more frequently used in sentences of the nondominant or weaker language. Voicing describes the presence or absence of vocal fold vibrations in the production of consonants. The place of articulation describes the location of constriction. The manner of articulation describes the degree or type of constriction. Manner, place, and voicing are three factors traditionally used to classify consonants. A combination of a consonant and a vowel is a syllable. Whereas vowels are produced by opening the oral cavity, consonants are produced by constricting it. A diphthong is produced by a continuous change in the vocal tract shape. When two vowels are combined, they form diphthongs. Lips also contribute to the articulation of vowels. The vowels are classified according to the tongue positions needed to produce them. The different shapes of the cavity modify the laryngeal tone in different ways. The sound produced by the larynx passes through the oral cavity. The tongue and the jaw are the major structures that change the shape of the vocal tract. However, vowel sounds differ from each other because of the differing shape of the vocal tract. Linguists define language is an abstract system of symbols used to communicate and is a system larger than speech. The differences in vowels are created largely by differences in the shape of the oral tract. Vocal fold vibrations are involved in the production of all vowels. Phonemic refers to the abstract system of sounds, whereas phonetic refers to concrete productions of specific sounds. The term 'phonemes' is a more technical term than speech sounds. The term 'phonemic' id distinguished from phonetic. In essence, a phoneme varies depending on contexts, speakers and occasions of production, but nonetheless, most listeners may not even be aware of such variations. Nonetheless, most listeners do not distinguish between those variations of /k/. However, in spite of its variations, a phoneme is always perceived as the same, just as a /k/ is always perceived as a /k/, regardless of the subtle variations in its individual productions. Such variations of a phoneme are called allophones. The individual sound /k/ is a phoneme, but when different speakers produce it in different linguistic contexts, the sound is not the same. A phoneme is a class of speech sounds and it is an abstract name given to speakers' varied production of a speech sound. Although speech and language can be analysed separately, the two are a part of the same event we call verbal communication. These rules are studied in phonology, which is the scientific study of the sound system and patterns used to create words of a language. Speech is the production of speech sounds and is the actual production of oral language.
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1 The oral tract is more open in the production of vowels than it is in the production of consonants. 2 Words of the dominant language are more frequently used in sentences of the nondominant or weaker language. 3 Voicing describes the presence or absence of vocal fold vibrations in the production of consonants. 4 The place of articulation describes the location of constriction. 5 The manner of articulation describes the degree or type of constriction. 6 Manner, place, and voicing are three factors traditionally used to classify consonants. 7 A combination of a consonant and a vowel is a syllable. 8 Whereas vowels are produced by opening the oral cavity, consonants are produced by constricting it. 9 A diphthong is produced by a continuous change in the vocal tract shape. 10 When two vowels are combined, they form diphthongs. 11 Lips also contribute to the articulation of vowels. 12 The vowels are classified according to the tongue positions needed to produce them. 13 The different shapes of the cavity modify the laryngeal tone in different ways. 14 The sound produced by the larynx passes through the oral cavity. 15 The tongue and the jaw are the major structures that change the shape of the vocal tract. 16 However, vowel sounds differ from each other because of the differing shape of the vocal tract. 17 Linguists define language is an abstract system of symbols used to communicate and is a system larger than speech. 18 The differences in vowels are created largely by differences in the shape of the oral tract. 19 Vocal fold vibrations are involved in the production of all vowels. 20 Phonemic refers to the abstract system of sounds, whereas phonetic refers to concrete productions of specific sounds. 21 The term 'phonemes' is a more technical term than speech sounds. 22 The term 'phonemic' id distinguished from phonetic. 23 In essence, a phoneme varies depending on contexts, speakers and occasions of production, but nonetheless, most listeners may not even be aware of such variations. 24 Nonetheless, most listeners do not distinguish between those variations of /k/. 25 However, in spite of its variations, a phoneme is always perceived as the same, just as a /k/ is always perceived as a /k/, regardless of the subtle variations in its individual productions. 26 Such variations of a phoneme are called allophones. 27 The individual sound /k/ is a phoneme, but when different speakers produce it in different linguistic contexts, the sound is not the same. 28 A phoneme is a class of speech sounds and it is an abstract name given to speakers' varied production of a speech sound. 29 Although speech and language can be analysed separately, the two are a part of the same event we call verbal communication. 30 These rules are studied in phonology, which is the scientific study of the sound system and patterns used to create words of a language. 31 Speech is the production of speech sounds and is the actual production of oral language.