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A bound morpheme which is the most of the smallest of grammar cannot convey meaning by itself. Even to understand the meaning of an utterance, we need to know its physical and social contexts. Pragmatists have pointed out that children acquire language in specific social contexts. Through the interactional function, we engage others in social interaction. Through the regulatory function, we try to get others to do what we want them to do. Through the instrumental function of language, we try to get what we want. It was suggested that speech acts are the basic units of communication. In an early pragmatic theory, every utterance is a speech act, which means that utterances influence listeners, and, therefore, saying also is doing. Therefore, pragmatics places greater emphasis on the functions of language than on its structure. Pragmatics is the study of the use of language in social situations. A morpheme added at the beginning of a base morpheme is called a prefix. Most bound morphemes are the smallest elements and therefore they are also called grammatical morphemes. Morphology is the study of structures. A bound morpheme cannot convey meaning by itself. A free morpheme can stand alone and mean something. A free morpheme can stand alone and mean something, but a bound morpheme cannot convey meaning by itself. Prefix is a morpheme added at the beginning of a base morpheme, but suffix is a morpheme added at the end of based morpheme. Words that cannot be broken down into smaller units but to which other morphemes can be added are called the base or root morphemes. People generally think of language as a form of spoken or written communication. Without effective communication skills, a human may survive as an organism but will have difficulty thriving as a social person. Such multiple productions of a single phone may be grouped and called a phoneme, which is a group of somewhat variably produced speech sounds. Morphology describes how words are formed out of more basic elements of language, called morphemes. Although the '-s' described as a phoneme in the context of phonology, it is also a morpheme because it can be added to or deleted from words to change the meaning. A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language.
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1 A bound morpheme which is the most of the smallest of grammar cannot convey meaning by itself. 2 Even to understand the meaning of an utterance, we need to know its physical and social contexts. 3 Pragmatists have pointed out that children acquire language in specific social contexts. 4 Through the interactional function, we engage others in social interaction. 5 Through the regulatory function, we try to get others to do what we want them to do. 6 Through the instrumental function of language, we try to get what we want. 7 It was suggested that speech acts are the basic units of communication. 8 In an early pragmatic theory, every utterance is a speech act, which means that utterances influence listeners, and, therefore, saying also is doing. 9 Therefore, pragmatics places greater emphasis on the functions of language than on its structure. 10 Pragmatics is the study of the use of language in social situations. 11 A morpheme added at the beginning of a base morpheme is called a prefix. 12 Most bound morphemes are the smallest elements and therefore they are also called grammatical morphemes. 13 Morphology is the study of structures. 14 A bound morpheme cannot convey meaning by itself. 15 A free morpheme can stand alone and mean something. 16 A free morpheme can stand alone and mean something, but a bound morpheme cannot convey meaning by itself. 17 Prefix is a morpheme added at the beginning of a base morpheme, but suffix is a morpheme added at the end of based morpheme. 18 Words that cannot be broken down into smaller units but to which other morphemes can be added are called the base or root morphemes. 19 People generally think of language as a form of spoken or written communication. 20 Without effective communication skills, a human may survive as an organism but will have difficulty thriving as a social person. 21 Such multiple productions of a single phone may be grouped and called a phoneme, which is a group of somewhat variably produced speech sounds. 22 Morphology describes how words are formed out of more basic elements of language, called morphemes. 23 Although the '-s' described as a phoneme in the context of phonology, it is also a morpheme because it can be added to or deleted from words to change the meaning. 24 A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language.