2025. Reading Is An Intelligent Sport.
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지문 분석결과
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문장 선택
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A general term used to describe some of the progressive diseases of the nervous system in elderly people in dementia. It is true that many speech-language disorders are not noticed at the time of or soon after birth, because the newborn does not say much through communicates in his or her own way. The reduced hearing sensitivity associated with aging also may be sensorineural. Children who have normal hearing and communication also may acquire sensorineural hearing loss. If the delivery of a baby is prolonged and distressed, the baby may suffer from anoxia, which can damage the hearing mechanism and cause sensorineural hearing loss. In sensorineural hearing loss, the inner ear, the auditory nerve that transmits sound to the brain, or both may be affected. Conductive hearing loss also may be due to otosclerosis, in which the tiny bones of the middle ear do not vibrate normally because of soft, spongy growth on them. A frequent cause of conductive hearing loss in children is otitis media, or middle ear infection, due to cold, allergy, and other reasons. In conductive hearing loss, the sound transmission from the outer or middle ear to the inner ear is impaired. Hearing loss is a frequent cause of a variety of oral communicative disorders. Stuttering typically starts in early childhood tends to run in families. Stuttering is a disorder of fluency with excessive amounts or excessively long durations of dysfluency, which often are combined with tension, struggle, and related behaviors. Cluttering involves impaired fluency and rapid but disordered articulation, possibly combined with disorganized thought. A person's voice, articulation, and language may be within the normal limits but still may be vulnerable to problems of communication known as fluency disorders. Whereas most children's speech or articulation disorders are functional, speech disorders in adults, especially in those who have had normal speech, are usually due to some neurological problem. Adult loss of language also may be due to many neurological diseases typically found in older people. When the left hemisphere is damaged, most adults suffer a language disorder known as aphasia, which is a loss of language. A frequent cause of adult language disorders is a stroke, which interrupts the flow of blood to various parts of the brain. In some cases, the language disorders of childhood may persist into adulthood. Once some forms of sentences are learned, the child may fail to use various grammatical morphemes. The child with a language disorder tends to shy away from social situations and is less likely to use whatever language he or she has mastered. The child's sentences may be simple or telegraphic, which means that they are missing such grammatical elements as articles, prepositions and conjunctions. One some forms of sentences are learned, the child may fail to use various grammatical morphemes. The child may be delayed in babbling, saying the first words, combining words into phrases, and producing grammatically correct sentences. Language problem of a young child may be apparent at early age. Language disorders in children are impaired learning of their primary or secondary language. The term 'motor' suggests that the movement of the speech mechanism has been impaired because of nerve damage.
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inventory_2단어 목록 ● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
문장에서 등장하는 단어를 fico가 대신 검색하여 제공해 드립니다. 단어를 눌러서 발음을 들어보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 A general term used to describe some of the progressive diseases of the nervous system in elderly people in dementia. 2 It is true that many speech-language disorders are not noticed at the time of or soon after birth, because the newborn does not say much through communicates in his or her own way. 3 The reduced hearing sensitivity associated with aging also may be sensorineural. 4 Children who have normal hearing and communication also may acquire sensorineural hearing loss. 5 If the delivery of a baby is prolonged and distressed, the baby may suffer from anoxia, which can damage the hearing mechanism and cause sensorineural hearing loss. 6 In sensorineural hearing loss, the inner ear, the auditory nerve that transmits sound to the brain, or both may be affected. 7 Conductive hearing loss also may be due to otosclerosis, in which the tiny bones of the middle ear do not vibrate normally because of soft, spongy growth on them. 8 A frequent cause of conductive hearing loss in children is otitis media, or middle ear infection, due to cold, allergy, and other reasons. 9 In conductive hearing loss, the sound transmission from the outer or middle ear to the inner ear is impaired. 10 Hearing loss is a frequent cause of a variety of oral communicative disorders. 11 Stuttering typically starts in early childhood tends to run in families. 12 Stuttering is a disorder of fluency with excessive amounts or excessively long durations of dysfluency, which often are combined with tension, struggle, and related behaviors. 13 Cluttering involves impaired fluency and rapid but disordered articulation, possibly combined with disorganized thought. 14 A person's voice, articulation, and language may be within the normal limits but still may be vulnerable to problems of communication known as fluency disorders. 15 Whereas most children's speech or articulation disorders are functional, speech disorders in adults, especially in those who have had normal speech, are usually due to some neurological problem. 16 Adult loss of language also may be due to many neurological diseases typically found in older people. 17 When the left hemisphere is damaged, most adults suffer a language disorder known as aphasia, which is a loss of language. 18 A frequent cause of adult language disorders is a stroke, which interrupts the flow of blood to various parts of the brain. 19 In some cases, the language disorders of childhood may persist into adulthood. 20 Once some forms of sentences are learned, the child may fail to use various grammatical morphemes. 21 The child with a language disorder tends to shy away from social situations and is less likely to use whatever language he or she has mastered. 22 The child's sentences may be simple or telegraphic, which means that they are missing such grammatical elements as articles, prepositions and conjunctions. 23 One some forms of sentences are learned, the child may fail to use various grammatical morphemes. 24 The child may be delayed in babbling, saying the first words, combining words into phrases, and producing grammatically correct sentences. 25 Language problem of a young child may be apparent at early age. 26 Language disorders in children are impaired learning of their primary or secondary language. 27 The term 'motor' suggests that the movement of the speech mechanism has been impaired because of nerve damage.