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지문 분석결과
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노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
articulation disorder articulation disorder
articulation disorder
articulation disorder
classification, vowel
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
classification, vowel
The speech sounds are classified in various ways. A traditional classification is based on anatomic and physiologic factors of speech production combined with aerodynamic and acoustic properties of each sound. A non-traditional approach is that distinctive features. A traditional classification of speech sounds includes vowels, consonants, manner of sound production, place of articulation, and voicing. For the most part, this well-established classification takes into consideration the configuration of anatomic structures involved in speech production. Vocal fold vibrations are involved in the production of all vowels. The differences in vowels are created largely by differences in the shape of the oral tract. The oral tract is more open in the production of vowels than it is in the production of consonants. However, vowel sounds differ from each other because of the differing shape of the vocal tract. The tongue and the jaw are the major structures that change the shape of the vocal tract. The tongue moves back and forth. It lifts its tip or stays low. It bulges its body or flattens out. Different movements of the jaw create a wider or narrower mouth opening. These and other movements continuously change the shape of the oral cavity. The sound produced by the larynx passes through the oral cavity. The different shapes of the cavity modify the laryngeal tone in different ways. Therefore, the vowels sound different. The vowels are classified according to the tongue positions needed to produce them. The front, central, back, high, mid, and low vowels describe the relative positions of the tongue in the oral cavity. These positions combine with each other. For example, some vowels are produced with a high and front tongue position, whereas some others are produced with a low and back tongue position. There are various tongue positions with which different vowels are typically produced. Lips also contribute to the articulation of vowels. The lips are rounded in the production of some vowels. Other vowels are produced without lip rounding. When two vowels are combined, they form diphthongs. A diphthong is produced by a continuous change in the vocal tract shape. The /a/ sound in such words as 'buy' and 'why' and the /e/ in 'day' and 'stay' are diphthongs.
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1 The speech sounds are classified in various ways. 2 A traditional classification is based on anatomic and physiologic factors of speech production combined with aerodynamic and acoustic properties of each sound. 3 A non-traditional approach is that distinctive features. 4 A traditional classification of speech sounds includes vowels, consonants, manner of sound production, place of articulation, and voicing. 5 For the most part, this well-established classification takes into consideration the configuration of anatomic structures involved in speech production. 6 Vocal fold vibrations are involved in the production of all vowels. 7 The differences in vowels are created largely by differences in the shape of the oral tract. 8 The oral tract is more open in the production of vowels than it is in the production of consonants. 9 However, vowel sounds differ from each other because of the differing shape of the vocal tract. 10 The tongue and the jaw are the major structures that change the shape of the vocal tract. 11 The tongue moves back and forth. 12 It lifts its tip or stays low. 13 It bulges its body or flattens out. 14 Different movements of the jaw create a wider or narrower mouth opening. 15 These and other movements continuously change the shape of the oral cavity. 16 The sound produced by the larynx passes through the oral cavity. 17 The different shapes of the cavity modify the laryngeal tone in different ways. 18 Therefore, the vowels sound different. 19 The vowels are classified according to the tongue positions needed to produce them. 20 The front, central, back, high, mid, and low vowels describe the relative positions of the tongue in the oral cavity. 21 These positions combine with each other. 22 For example, some vowels are produced with a high and front tongue position, whereas some others are produced with a low and back tongue position. 23 There are various tongue positions with which different vowels are typically produced. 24 Lips also contribute to the articulation of vowels. 25 The lips are rounded in the production of some vowels. 26 Other vowels are produced without lip rounding. 27 When two vowels are combined, they form diphthongs. 28 A diphthong is produced by a continuous change in the vocal tract shape. 29 The /a/ sound in such words as 'buy' and 'why' and the /e/ in 'day' and 'stay' are diphthongs.