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articulation disorder articulation disorder
articulation disorder
articulation disorder
phonological patterns 2
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phonological patterns 2
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1 A phonological pattern is a clinical problem in need of remediation only if it persists beyond the typical or average age at which it supposed to disappear. 2 The treatment is directed toward eliminating a persisting faulty phonological pattern instead of individual sound errors. 3 For example, if the child omits many final consonants in words, the errors are classified under the final consonant deletion pattern. 4 The clinician's aim then is to eliminate this phonological pattern. 5 It is assumed that teaching a few of the missing consonants in the final position will result in generalized production of other final consonants. 6 Production of untrained behaviors following training of similar behaviors is called generalization or generalized production. 7 Research has shown generalized production of some untrained sounds. 8 However, there is need for more research. 9 Some of the phonological patterns may be new names for the same behaviors described differently in other methods of analysis. 10 For example, omission in older terminology becomes a deletion pattern. 11 One kind of substitution in the older terminology becomes the fronting pattern. 12 It must also be noted that no phonological patterns can be eliminated without training some individual sounds. 13 The main clinical question is whether treatment of some individual sounds has an effect on other, untreated sounds grouped according to some concept or theory. 14 We need more research to fully answer this important question.