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지문 분석결과
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articulation disorder articulation disorder
articulation disorder
articulation disorder
sound, phoneme 1
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
sound, phoneme 1
As described earlier, specialists make a distinction between speech and language. Linguists define language is an abstract system of symbols used to communicate. It is a system larger than speech. It includes rules of meaning, grammar, and social use. Narrowly defined, speech is the production of speech sounds. More broadly defined, speech is the actual production of oral language. In studying speech, we analyze the sounds, their relationship to one another, and the way they are combined to form syllables and words. These rules are studied in phonology, which is the scientific study of the sound system and patterns used to create words of a language. Although speech and language can be analyzed separately, the two are a part of the same event we call verbal communication. Speech is the building block of language. Sounds or phonemes are the individual elements of speech. A phoneme is a class of speech sounds. It is an abstract name given to speaker's varied production of a speech sound. Phonemes make a difference in meaning. Therefore, a phoneme often is described as the smallest unit of sound that can affect meaning. For example, /p/ and /b/ are different phonemes because at the word level, when one is changed to the other, the meaning changes. The words 'pat' and 'bat' have different meanings because they have different initial phonemes. The final consonant and the middle vowel of the two words are the same. A phoneme is not a single, invariable entity. That is why it is defined as a group or family of sounds. The individual sound /k/ is a phoneme, but when different speakers produce it in different linguistic contexts, the sounds is not the same. Such variations of a phoneme are called allophones. However, in spite of its variations, a phoneme is always perceived as the same, just as a /k/ is always perceived as a /k/, regardless of the subtle variations in its individual productions. For example, the /k/ in 'key' is produced more toward the front of the mouth than the same sound in 'cool', which is produced more toward the back of the mouth. To a trained ear, the two productions of /k/ sound different. Nonetheless, most listeners do not distinguish between those variations of /k/.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 As described earlier, specialists make a distinction between speech and language. 2 Linguists define language is an abstract system of symbols used to communicate. 3 It is a system larger than speech. 4 It includes rules of meaning, grammar, and social use. 5 Narrowly defined, speech is the production of speech sounds. 6 More broadly defined, speech is the actual production of oral language. 7 In studying speech, we analyze the sounds, their relationship to one another, and the way they are combined to form syllables and words. 8 These rules are studied in phonology, which is the scientific study of the sound system and patterns used to create words of a language. 9 Although speech and language can be analyzed separately, the two are a part of the same event we call verbal communication. 10 Speech is the building block of language. 11 Sounds or phonemes are the individual elements of speech. 12 A phoneme is a class of speech sounds. 13 It is an abstract name given to speaker's varied production of a speech sound. 14 Phonemes make a difference in meaning. 15 Therefore, a phoneme often is described as the smallest unit of sound that can affect meaning. 16 For example, /p/ and /b/ are different phonemes because at the word level, when one is changed to the other, the meaning changes. 17 The words 'pat' and 'bat' have different meanings because they have different initial phonemes. 18 The final consonant and the middle vowel of the two words are the same. 19 A phoneme is not a single, invariable entity. 20 That is why it is defined as a group or family of sounds. 21 The individual sound /k/ is a phoneme, but when different speakers produce it in different linguistic contexts, the sounds is not the same. 22 Such variations of a phoneme are called allophones. 23 However, in spite of its variations, a phoneme is always perceived as the same, just as a /k/ is always perceived as a /k/, regardless of the subtle variations in its individual productions. 24 For example, the /k/ in 'key' is produced more toward the front of the mouth than the same sound in 'cool', which is produced more toward the back of the mouth. 25 To a trained ear, the two productions of /k/ sound different. 26 Nonetheless, most listeners do not distinguish between those variations of /k/.