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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
articulation disorder articulation disorder
articulation disorder
articulation disorder
individual errors 1
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
individual errors 1
In determining individual sound errors, the clinician listens to the production of each phoneme and judges whether it was correct. The errors are then grouped according to types. In this approach, four types of errors are described that are omissions, substitutions, distortions, and additions. An omission is an absence of a required sound in a word position. For example, a child who says "ka" for 'car' or "boo" for 'boot' omits the /r/ and the /t/, respectively. In these cases, the omitted sounds are in the final position within the words. Both David and Jason had several omissions. For example, David said "goo" for 'good' and "ga" for 'got', omitting the /d/ and /t/ in owrd final positions. David said "yeterday" for 'yesterday'. Therefore, he omitted /s/ in the 'st' cluster, typically described as cluster reduction, cluster deletion, or cluster simplification. Jason's "ee" for 'eat' and "ha" for 'had', among many others, illustrate omissions of word final consonants. A sound substitution involves the production of a wrong sound in place of a right one. A person who says "wadio" for 'radio' or "toup" for 'soup' is substituting /w/ for /r/ and /t/ for /s/, respectively. David and Jason had several substitutions. For example, David said "tink" for 'think', which is a /t/ for /k/ substitution. Jason said "pin" for 'fine', which is a /p/ for /f/ substitution. Jason also said "kween" for 'clean', which is described as a cluster substitution because he produced /w/ instead of /l/ in the 'kl' cluster. A distortion is an imprecise sound production that does not match its typical production. The listener generally knows that the distorted sound stands for. For example, a "slushy" production of /s/ in 'soup' is a distortion. In one of the more frequently observed varieties of /s/ distortion, the air escapes from the sides of the tongue. In this case, the /s/ begins to sound somewhat like an /l/. David distorted his /s/ sounds. He said "hisl" for 'his'. Besides /s/, the most frequently distorted sounds include the /r/, /l/, /s/, /k/, and /tk/.
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sticky_note_2노트 메모
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 In determining individual sound errors, the clinician listens to the production of each phoneme and judges whether it was correct. 2 The errors are then grouped according to types. 3 In this approach, four types of errors are described that are omissions, substitutions, distortions, and additions. 4 An omission is an absence of a required sound in a word position. 5 For example, a child who says "ka" for 'car' or "boo" for 'boot' omits the /r/ and the /t/, respectively. 6 In these cases, the omitted sounds are in the final position within the words. 7 Both David and Jason had several omissions. 8 For example, David said "goo" for 'good' and "ga" for 'got', omitting the /d/ and /t/ in owrd final positions. 9 David said "yeterday" for 'yesterday'. 10 Therefore, he omitted /s/ in the 'st' cluster, typically described as cluster reduction, cluster deletion, or cluster simplification. 11 Jason's "ee" for 'eat' and "ha" for 'had', among many others, illustrate omissions of word final consonants. 12 A sound substitution involves the production of a wrong sound in place of a right one. 13 A person who says "wadio" for 'radio' or "toup" for 'soup' is substituting /w/ for /r/ and /t/ for /s/, respectively. 14 David and Jason had several substitutions. 15 For example, David said "tink" for 'think', which is a /t/ for /k/ substitution. 16 Jason said "pin" for 'fine', which is a /p/ for /f/ substitution. 17 Jason also said "kween" for 'clean', which is described as a cluster substitution because he produced /w/ instead of /l/ in the 'kl' cluster. 18 A distortion is an imprecise sound production that does not match its typical production. 19 The listener generally knows that the distorted sound stands for. 20 For example, a "slushy" production of /s/ in 'soup' is a distortion. 21 In one of the more frequently observed varieties of /s/ distortion, the air escapes from the sides of the tongue. 22 In this case, the /s/ begins to sound somewhat like an /l/. 23 David distorted his /s/ sounds. 24 He said "hisl" for 'his'. 25 Besides /s/, the most frequently distorted sounds include the /r/, /l/, /s/, /k/, and /tk/.