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articulation disorder articulation disorder
articulation disorder
articulation disorder
learning pre-verbal
문장 선택
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learning pre-verbal
The pre-verbal behaviors are those behaviors that precede the production of words and phrases. An infant, even a newborn, is highly vocal. The infant's cry is a powerful communicator. Older children who have not acquired language often cry and whine to express themselves. However, an infant's cry is a reflexive response to pain, hunger, and discomfort. Its communicative effects are limited and directed toward the caregivers. A child's babbling is the most significant pre-verbal behavior. When well fed, happy, dry, and lying on his or her back, a 4-month-old baby typically spends significant time making vocal sounds. This is called babbling. The baby typically produces strings of consonant-vowel combinations such as "babababa" or "nanana". A parent-child response loop is commonly observed during this stage. For example, the mother says "bababa" and the baby imitates it. In turn, the mother imitates the baby's production, which the baby repeats. The mother is usually reinforced by the baby's attention and vocalizations. The baby is equally reinforced by the mother's attention and vocalization. In one observational study, mothers responded to their baby's vocalizations 70% of the time, and their responses were generally specific to speech-like sounds of their babies. Experimental research has shown that babbling can be increased by social reinforcement. For example, a mother who gently tickles, smiles, or picks up the baby as soon as the baby babbles often seen an increase in babbling. Even delayed parental reinforcement can increase a baby's vocalizations. Babbling increases in babies between 4 and 10 months. It also becomes more complex and varied. New sounds are heard in babbling. Many speech like sounds appear in late babbling. Babies first produce the labial stop sounds and eventually fricative consonants. Research data suggest that babbling and early speech-language production are closely related. By the end of the first year, most babies are communicating with a variety of means. The baby points to things wanted. A child who can walk begins to physically move the parents to indicate his or her needs. For example, a child takes the mother's hand and leads her to the toy chest to get something out of it.
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1 The pre-verbal behaviors are those behaviors that precede the production of words and phrases. 2 An infant, even a newborn, is highly vocal. 3 The infant's cry is a powerful communicator. 4 Older children who have not acquired language often cry and whine to express themselves. 5 However, an infant's cry is a reflexive response to pain, hunger, and discomfort. 6 Its communicative effects are limited and directed toward the caregivers. 7 A child's babbling is the most significant pre-verbal behavior. 8 When well fed, happy, dry, and lying on his or her back, a 4-month-old baby typically spends significant time making vocal sounds. 9 This is called babbling. 10 The baby typically produces strings of consonant-vowel combinations such as "babababa" or "nanana". 11 A parent-child response loop is commonly observed during this stage. 12 For example, the mother says "bababa" and the baby imitates it. 13 In turn, the mother imitates the baby's production, which the baby repeats. 14 The mother is usually reinforced by the baby's attention and vocalizations. 15 The baby is equally reinforced by the mother's attention and vocalization. 16 In one observational study, mothers responded to their baby's vocalizations 70% of the time, and their responses were generally specific to speech-like sounds of their babies. 17 Experimental research has shown that babbling can be increased by social reinforcement. 18 For example, a mother who gently tickles, smiles, or picks up the baby as soon as the baby babbles often seen an increase in babbling. 19 Even delayed parental reinforcement can increase a baby's vocalizations. 20 Babbling increases in babies between 4 and 10 months. 21 It also becomes more complex and varied. 22 New sounds are heard in babbling. 23 Many speech like sounds appear in late babbling. 24 Babies first produce the labial stop sounds and eventually fricative consonants. 25 Research data suggest that babbling and early speech-language production are closely related. 26 By the end of the first year, most babies are communicating with a variety of means. 27 The baby points to things wanted. 28 A child who can walk begins to physically move the parents to indicate his or her needs. 29 For example, a child takes the mother's hand and leads her to the toy chest to get something out of it.