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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
In a pre-scientific world, it was logical to blame their neighbors for their illness, and therefore to dislike them. A is a scholar who writes about stereotypical thinking. The city dissolves the informal controls of the village or small town. It is their conventionality that binds us to some degree to particular ways of realizing our collective history. This is often a very rational attribute to substitute- affect does convey useful signals as to the costs and benefits of outcomes. Locke believed that our experience shapes who we are and who we become-and therefore he also believed that, given different experiences, human beings would have different characters. These practices suggest that honouring may be one method of softening the disquiet of killing. The resultant fear of being thought a fool and criticized therefore is one of greatest enemies of true learning. Thanks to the power of reputation, we help others without expecting an immediate return. Amit thought of buying a buffalo so that he could sell its milk for money. Some are reluctant to label plant movements as behaviors, since they lack nerves and muscles. The air is full of molecules carried by breezes. More time won't do a thing to bring about that shift. Many of the ritualized displays performed by animals look so bizarre to us that we wonder how they came about. So when you shift a blamer into empathy, you stop the person's angry ranting dead in its tracks. The history of perspective in Western painting matters because of what it reveals for the art of living. It is this that leads many of today's historians to conclude that the journey must have taken place. In the Indian language of pali, metta means benevolence, kindness or tenderness. In Plato's Phaedrus, Socrates bemoaned the development of writing. Much of it was probably improvised anyway, within certain rules and conventions. Besides being the exemplar of the "bright idea," however, Edison's electric light is worthy of study for other reasons. Students may learn to write an adequate article critique in one class, but fail to use those skills in another.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 In a pre-scientific world, it was logical to blame their neighbors for their illness, and therefore to dislike them. 2 A is a scholar who writes about stereotypical thinking. 3 The city dissolves the informal controls of the village or small town. 4 It is their conventionality that binds us to some degree to particular ways of realizing our collective history. 5 This is often a very rational attribute to substitute- affect does convey useful signals as to the costs and benefits of outcomes. 6 Locke believed that our experience shapes who we are and who we become-and therefore he also believed that, given different experiences, human beings would have different characters. 7 These practices suggest that honouring may be one method of softening the disquiet of killing. 8 The resultant fear of being thought a fool and criticized therefore is one of greatest enemies of true learning. 9 Thanks to the power of reputation, we help others without expecting an immediate return. 10 Amit thought of buying a buffalo so that he could sell its milk for money. 11 Some are reluctant to label plant movements as behaviors, since they lack nerves and muscles. 12 The air is full of molecules carried by breezes. 13 More time won't do a thing to bring about that shift. 14 Many of the ritualized displays performed by animals look so bizarre to us that we wonder how they came about. 15 So when you shift a blamer into empathy, you stop the person's angry ranting dead in its tracks. 16 The history of perspective in Western painting matters because of what it reveals for the art of living. 17 It is this that leads many of today's historians to conclude that the journey must have taken place. 18 In the Indian language of pali, metta means benevolence, kindness or tenderness. 19 In Plato's Phaedrus, Socrates bemoaned the development of writing. 20 Much of it was probably improvised anyway, within certain rules and conventions. 21 Besides being the exemplar of the "bright idea," however, Edison's electric light is worthy of study for other reasons. 22 Students may learn to write an adequate article critique in one class, but fail to use those skills in another.