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지문 분석결과
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수능특강 Light 영어독해연습(2022) 07~09강
수능특강 Light 영어독해연습(2022) 07~09강
수능특강 Light 영어독해연습(2022) 07~09강
09강 - Exercise 9~11
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
09강 - Exercise 9~11
"Hey, wanna join me on a radio show after lunch?" Alyssa froze, her eyes growing round as she stared at Molly. Molly is extravagantly generous and completely random like that. She is the executive director of a small nonprofit in town and had been given the opportunity to share on the local talk-radio station about how assistive technology could keep senior citizens in their homes longer. Molly's invitation was sincere, and later that day Alyssa found herself being introduced to the radio host and settling herself into a corner of the on-air studio, assuming that her role would be small and that of a supporting character in the interview. As it turned out, the host introduced Alyssa and her law firm each time they broke for sponsors and again as they returned to the air — which was easily hundreds of dollars in free radio advertising. Though Alyssa was initially hesitant because she'd had no time to prepare and she felt nervous about being on live radio, it all went fine, and she and Molly shared one last chuckle in the parking lot afterward before they slipped into their cars and went back to their respective offices. As Alyssa recounted the unexpected adventure to her husband that evening, her thoughts turned again to Molly and the value of the radio time she suggested. While they don't often have the chance to work together, Molly is a consistent cheerleader in Alyssa's life. She is a strong leader, and she is always looking for ways that everyone can win. There is no competition with this friend; she is wholeheartedly collaborative in everything she does. Molly is a beautiful example of a woman who embodies the giving spirit. Her generosity with her time, her talents, and her resources has impacted thousands of lives, and Alyssa strives to be more like her.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 "Hey, wanna join me on a radio show after lunch?" 2 Alyssa froze, her eyes growing round as she stared at Molly. 3 Molly is extravagantly generous and completely random like that. 4 She is the executive director of a small nonprofit in town and had been given the opportunity to share on the local talk-radio station about how assistive technology could keep senior citizens in their homes longer. 5 Molly's invitation was sincere, and later that day Alyssa found herself being introduced to the radio host and settling herself into a corner of the on-air studio, assuming that her role would be small and that of a supporting character in the interview. 6 As it turned out, the host introduced Alyssa and her law firm each time they broke for sponsors and again as they returned to the air — which was easily hundreds of dollars in free radio advertising. 7 Though Alyssa was initially hesitant because she'd had no time to prepare and she felt nervous about being on live radio, it all went fine, and she and Molly shared one last chuckle in the parking lot afterward before they slipped into their cars and went back to their respective offices. 8 As Alyssa recounted the unexpected adventure to her husband that evening, her thoughts turned again to Molly and the value of the radio time she suggested. 9 While they don't often have the chance to work together, Molly is a consistent cheerleader in Alyssa's life. 10 She is a strong leader, and she is always looking for ways that everyone can win. 11 There is no competition with this friend; she is wholeheartedly collaborative in everything she does. 12 Molly is a beautiful example of a woman who embodies the giving spirit. 13 Her generosity with her time, her talents, and her resources has impacted thousands of lives, and Alyssa strives to be more like her.