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The effect of processing parameters and material properties on residual  forces induced in LPBF The effect of processing parameters and material properties on residual forces induced in LPBF
The effect of processing parameters and material properties on residual forces induced in LPBF
The effect of processing parameters and material properties on residual forces induced in LPBF
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In the absence of mechanical constraints, the part will tend to bend into a concave shape relative to the laser beam. When the heat source is removed, the new layer will cool quickly, of the order of 103 - 108 K/s [8], contracting at a greater rate than the previously solidified part beneath, thus resulting in tensile stresses in the new layer and compressive stresses in the underlying layers. The shrinkage of the new layer is partially constrained by the plastic strain in the heating stage [7] and this contributes to tensile residual stresses in the surface of the part, which are generally undesirable since they can contribute to, and are often the primary cause of, fatigue failure, quench cracking and stress corrosion cracking [9]. In any free body, stress equilibrium must be maintained, which means that the presence of tensile residual stress in the surface of the component will be balanced by compressive stress elsewhere in the body. In samples produced using L-PBF, Vrancken et al. [10], showed from two-dimensional residual stress plots obtained using the contour method, that the stress field in the build direction (Z-direction), was compressive in the centre and tensile near the top and bottom edges. Similar results were found by Denlinger et al. [11], who developed a three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA), which included thermomechanical interactions, to provide insight on the accumulation of residual stress in multi-layer builds. The results from the FEA showed that the newly deposited layers experienced high levels of tension, above the yield strength, while the layers beneath were forced into compression. Residual stresses can be classified by the three length scales (Types I, II and III) over which they operate [6].
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1 In the absence of mechanical constraints, the part will tend to bend into a concave shape relative to the laser beam. 2 When the heat source is removed, the new layer will cool quickly, of the order of 103 - 108 K/s [8], contracting at a greater rate than the previously solidified part beneath, thus resulting in tensile stresses in the new layer and compressive stresses in the underlying layers. 3 The shrinkage of the new layer is partially constrained by the plastic strain in the heating stage [7] and this contributes to tensile residual stresses in the surface of the part, which are generally undesirable since they can contribute to, and are often the primary cause of, fatigue failure, quench cracking and stress corrosion cracking [9]. 4 In any free body, stress equilibrium must be maintained, which means that the presence of tensile residual stress in the surface of the component will be balanced by compressive stress elsewhere in the body. 5 In samples produced using L-PBF, Vrancken et al. [10], showed from two-dimensional residual stress plots obtained using the contour method, that the stress field in the build direction (Z-direction), was compressive in the centre and tensile near the top and bottom edges. 6 Similar results were found by Denlinger et al. [11], who developed a three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA), which included thermomechanical interactions, to provide insight on the accumulation of residual stress in multi-layer builds. 7 The results from the FEA showed that the newly deposited layers experienced high levels of tension, above the yield strength, while the layers beneath were forced into compression. 8 Residual stresses can be classified by the three length scales (Types I, II and III) over which they operate [6].