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문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Although scooters have been around since the 1950s, the popular new scooters are often made of lightweight aluminum, weighing less than 10 pounds. They have quickly risen in popularity and are the cause of more and more emergency room visits. Health officials have seen a dramatic increase in scooter-related accidents and injuries. Most of the injuries happen among boys under the age of 15. The most common injuries are fractures or dislocations to the arm or hand, followed by cuts, bruises, strains, and sprains. Almost half of all injuries tend to happen to the arm or hand, while about one-fourth are to the head and another fourth to the leg or foot. Death directly related to scooter accidents has also happened. Health officials recommend the same precautions for scooters as for bicycling and in-line skating. It is thought that many injuries might be prevented or reduced in severity if protective equipment is worn. Helmets can prevent 85 percent of head injuries, elbow pads can prevent 82 percent of elbow injuries, and knee pads can prevent 32 percent of knee injuries. Although wrist guards are effective in preventing injuries among in-line skaters, the protection they provide against injuries for scooter riders is unknown, as wrist guards may make it hard to grip the scooter handle and steer it. Based on evidence of injury prevention effectiveness for other related activities, the following recommendations may help to prevent scooter-related injuries: Wear an approved helmet that meets safety standards. Use knee and elbow pads. Don't ride scooters at night. Don't carry additional passengers Ride scooters on smooth paved surfaces without traffic. Don't ride on streets and surfaces with water, sand, gravel or dirt. Don't allow young children to ride scooters without close supervision.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Although scooters have been around since the 1950s, the popular new scooters are often made of lightweight aluminum, weighing less than 10 pounds. 2 They have quickly risen in popularity and are the cause of more and more emergency room visits. 3 Health officials have seen a dramatic increase in scooter-related accidents and injuries. 4 Most of the injuries happen among boys under the age of 15. 5 The most common injuries are fractures or dislocations to the arm or hand, followed by cuts, bruises, strains, and sprains. 6 Almost half of all injuries tend to happen to the arm or hand, while about one-fourth are to the head and another fourth to the leg or foot. 7 Death directly related to scooter accidents has also happened. 8 Health officials recommend the same precautions for scooters as for bicycling and in-line skating. 9 It is thought that many injuries might be prevented or reduced in severity if protective equipment is worn. 10 Helmets can prevent 85 percent of head injuries, elbow pads can prevent 82 percent of elbow injuries, and knee pads can prevent 32 percent of knee injuries. 11 Although wrist guards are effective in preventing injuries among in-line skaters, the protection they provide against injuries for scooter riders is unknown, as wrist guards may make it hard to grip the scooter handle and steer it. 12 Based on evidence of injury prevention effectiveness for other related activities, the following recommendations may help to prevent scooter-related injuries: Wear an approved helmet that meets safety standards. 13 Use knee and elbow pads. 14 Don't ride scooters at night. 15 Don't carry additional passengers Ride scooters on smooth paved surfaces without traffic. 16 Don't ride on streets and surfaces with water, sand, gravel or dirt. 17 Don't allow young children to ride scooters without close supervision.