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Reading Expert 4(2020)
Reading Expert 4(2020)
Reading Expert 4(2020)
UNIT 4 - READING 2 Factory Farms
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UNIT 4 - READING 2 Factory Farms
The traditional image of a farm is a quiet place in the countryside run by a farmer who takes good care of his or her animals. But in reality, about two thirds of the world's farm animals are currently being raised in factory farms. And these factory farms are very different from our peaceful image of farm life. Factory farms are large, crowded places that put corporate profits before the health and safety of their animals. These animals are packed together so tightly that they can barely move, often spending their entire lives indoors. In order to make the animals grow faster, factory farms give them growth hormones. This unnatural growth causes many physical problems, including chronic pain and heart issues. When these animals grow too sick, they are not even treated. Instead, they are simply killed to cut costs. Moreover, factory farms damage the environment and have adverse effects on the health of humans. Keeping so many animals in one place means that a lot of waste is generated. This waste can pollute the air, land, and water of the surrounding community. Factory farms also require large amounts of water and energy to operate. They can be a threat to consumers as well. Bacteria such as salmonella can thrive in unsanitary conditions, contaminating the meat, milk, and eggs that come from factory farms. Animals are given large doses of antibiotics to combat such bacteria, but this causes a bigger problem. The bacteria simply evolve and become stronger, creating a serious health risk to humans. So how can we help end the harmful practices of factory farms? First of all, we can start by purchasing only meat and dairy products that come from farms that meet high animal welfare and environmental standards. These products are generally indicated by special labels, such as "Animal Welfare Approved." We can also encourage politicians to pass strict laws banning cruelty to animals. Although it may be impossible to completely eliminate factory farming, efforts such as these will help ensure that farms treat their animals better.
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1 The traditional image of a farm is a quiet place in the countryside run by a farmer who takes good care of his or her animals. 2 But in reality, about two thirds of the world's farm animals are currently being raised in factory farms. 3 And these factory farms are very different from our peaceful image of farm life. 4 Factory farms are large, crowded places that put corporate profits before the health and safety of their animals. 5 These animals are packed together so tightly that they can barely move, often spending their entire lives indoors. 6 In order to make the animals grow faster, factory farms give them growth hormones. 7 This unnatural growth causes many physical problems, including chronic pain and heart issues. 8 When these animals grow too sick, they are not even treated. 9 Instead, they are simply killed to cut costs. 10 Moreover, factory farms damage the environment and have adverse effects on the health of humans. 11 Keeping so many animals in one place means that a lot of waste is generated. 12 This waste can pollute the air, land, and water of the surrounding community. 13 Factory farms also require large amounts of water and energy to operate. 14 They can be a threat to consumers as well. 15 Bacteria such as salmonella can thrive in unsanitary conditions, contaminating the meat, milk, and eggs that come from factory farms. 16 Animals are given large doses of antibiotics to combat such bacteria, but this causes a bigger problem. 17 The bacteria simply evolve and become stronger, creating a serious health risk to humans. 18 So how can we help end the harmful practices of factory farms? 19 First of all, we can start by purchasing only meat and dairy products that come from farms that meet high animal welfare and environmental standards. 20 These products are generally indicated by special labels, such as "Animal Welfare Approved." 21 We can also encourage politicians to pass strict laws banning cruelty to animals. 22 Although it may be impossible to completely eliminate factory farming, efforts such as these will help ensure that farms treat their animals better.