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Reading Expert 4(2020)
Reading Expert 4(2020)
Reading Expert 4(2020)
UNIT 7 - READING 1 Imposter Syndrome
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UNIT 7 - READING 1 Imposter Syndrome
Do you feel as though you don't deserve your success? If so, you could be experiencing the imposter syndrome. It's a strong feeling that you aren't really as competent as others think you are. Instead, you feel like an imposter. It's not an uncommon feeling-even Albert Einstein worried that his work was getting more attention than it deserved. However, it can lead to negative consequences. People with this syndrome have difficulty sharing their ideas or pursuing challenging goals. The imposter syndrome was first noticed in the 1970s, by psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes. They found that many of their female students felt they didn't deserve to be enrolled at their college. Based on a hypothesis that only high-achieving women are affected by this syndrome, they conducted more research. They realized that it was a widespread issue regardless of age, race, and gender. There isn't a single cause of the imposter syndrome. However, many people who suffer from it share the same personality trait perfectionism. In their minds, only people without flaws deserve success. It is actually natural to focus on one's own flaws because the human brain is hardwired to pay closer attention to negative things, which it considers a threat. The best way to deal with the imposter syndrome is simply by talking. People struggling with it are usually afraid to ask others about their performance. They worry that they will find out that they really are a fraud. But the opposite is actually true. When they open up and discuss their fears and doubts, they are likely to find out that they really do deserve their success. What's more, they will realize that they are not the only ones who feel like imposters. There is no way to make the imposter syndrome go away forever. However, communicating openly and honestly can control these negative feelings and prevent them from becoming overwhelming.
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1 Do you feel as though you don't deserve your success? 2 If so, you could be experiencing the imposter syndrome. 3 It's a strong feeling that you aren't really as competent as others think you are. 4 Instead, you feel like an imposter. 5 It's not an uncommon feeling-even Albert Einstein worried that his work was getting more attention than it deserved. 6 However, it can lead to negative consequences. 7 People with this syndrome have difficulty sharing their ideas or pursuing challenging goals. 8 The imposter syndrome was first noticed in the 1970s, by psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes. 9 They found that many of their female students felt they didn't deserve to be enrolled at their college. 10 Based on a hypothesis that only high-achieving women are affected by this syndrome, they conducted more research. 11 They realized that it was a widespread issue regardless of age, race, and gender. 12 There isn't a single cause of the imposter syndrome. 13 However, many people who suffer from it share the same personality trait perfectionism. 14 In their minds, only people without flaws deserve success. 15 It is actually natural to focus on one's own flaws because the human brain is hardwired to pay closer attention to negative things, which it considers a threat. 16 The best way to deal with the imposter syndrome is simply by talking. 17 People struggling with it are usually afraid to ask others about their performance. 18 They worry that they will find out that they really are a fraud. 19 But the opposite is actually true. 20 When they open up and discuss their fears and doubts, they are likely to find out that they really do deserve their success. 21 What's more, they will realize that they are not the only ones who feel like imposters. 22 There is no way to make the imposter syndrome go away forever. 23 However, communicating openly and honestly can control these negative feelings and prevent them from becoming overwhelming.