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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
The laryngopharynx starts just above the larynx and ends at the base of the tongue. Therefore, the hinged attachment is known as the temporomandibular joint. With a set of muscles and tendons, the mandible is hinged to the temporal bone, which is a part of the skull. The jaw, or the mandible, is an important bone of the face. If the muscular bulk of the soft palate is inadequate, then the nasal cavity may always remain open to some extent. When it is raised, it helps close the nasal cavities from the oral cavity. When it lowered, the nasal cavities are opened and breathing through the nose is possible. The soft palate is a dynamic structure of muscles that can be lowered or raised. The small, cone-shaped tip of the velum is called the uvula. Located at the back of the mouth, it hangs from the hard palate, which is the roof of the mouth. Also known as the velum, the soft palate is a flexible muscular structure at the juncture of the oropharynx and the nasopharynx. The oropharynx is connected to the nasopharynx. The laryngopharynx is connected to the oropharynx, which extends up to the soft palate. Resonance is modification of a sound by structures through which the sound passes. The sound the larynx produces travels through the cavities of the throat and mouth, collectively known as the pharynx or the vocal tract. Articulation means the movement of joined anatomic parts and the production of speech sounds by such movements. The word 'articulation' means connection of movable parts in anatomy. Nasal resonance is the quality added to the sound when the sound passes through the nose. Nasality refers to the added nasal resonance to voice and it is not a vocal quality but a resonance quality because it is not related to the behaviors of the vocal folds. Therefore, hoarseness results from excessive air leakage through the glottis and irregular vocal fold vibrations. When both breathiness and harshness are present, the vocal quality is described as hoarse. Harshness, or roughness of voice, is a vocal quality due mainly to the irregular vibration of vocal folds. A breathy voice results when the vocal folds do not completely close. Excessive nasality is a related quality, but it often is described as a resonance problem. The resultant vocal qualities include breathiness, harshness, and hoarseness.
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1 The laryngopharynx starts just above the larynx and ends at the base of the tongue. 2 Therefore, the hinged attachment is known as the temporomandibular joint. 3 With a set of muscles and tendons, the mandible is hinged to the temporal bone, which is a part of the skull. 4 The jaw, or the mandible, is an important bone of the face. 5 If the muscular bulk of the soft palate is inadequate, then the nasal cavity may always remain open to some extent. 6 When it is raised, it helps close the nasal cavities from the oral cavity. 7 When it lowered, the nasal cavities are opened and breathing through the nose is possible. 8 The soft palate is a dynamic structure of muscles that can be lowered or raised. 9 The small, cone-shaped tip of the velum is called the uvula. 10 Located at the back of the mouth, it hangs from the hard palate, which is the roof of the mouth. 11 Also known as the velum, the soft palate is a flexible muscular structure at the juncture of the oropharynx and the nasopharynx. 12 The oropharynx is connected to the nasopharynx. 13 The laryngopharynx is connected to the oropharynx, which extends up to the soft palate. 14 Resonance is modification of a sound by structures through which the sound passes. 15 The sound the larynx produces travels through the cavities of the throat and mouth, collectively known as the pharynx or the vocal tract. 16 Articulation means the movement of joined anatomic parts and the production of speech sounds by such movements. 17 The word 'articulation' means connection of movable parts in anatomy. 18 Nasal resonance is the quality added to the sound when the sound passes through the nose. 19 Nasality refers to the added nasal resonance to voice and it is not a vocal quality but a resonance quality because it is not related to the behaviors of the vocal folds. 20 Therefore, hoarseness results from excessive air leakage through the glottis and irregular vocal fold vibrations. 21 When both breathiness and harshness are present, the vocal quality is described as hoarse. 22 Harshness, or roughness of voice, is a vocal quality due mainly to the irregular vibration of vocal folds. 23 A breathy voice results when the vocal folds do not completely close. 24 Excessive nasality is a related quality, but it often is described as a resonance problem. 25 The resultant vocal qualities include breathiness, harshness, and hoarseness.