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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
Any defect is likely to be subtle and found only in some speakers with a stuttering problem. Most of the neurophysiological research has not identified causes of stuttering. Slow and discoordinated speech movements do not cause stuttering and such movements are stutterings themselves. Therefore, much of the neurophysiological research describes the behavior of nerves and muscles of speech as they produce fluent and stuttered speech. Another organic theory of stuttering is that people who stutter might have a defective auditory mechanism. People who stutter can be significantly more fluent when their hearing is masked by noise fed to their ears through headphones. Fluency also increases when people who stutter hear their own speech after a slight delay. This delayed auditory feedback is arranged mechanically and has been used in treating stuttering. These two findings, among a few others, have prompted speculation that, perhaps, the portion of the brain that interprets one's own speech production and thus helps regulate it may be defective. It should be noted that most people who stutter have normal hearing, and the auditory problem hypothesized is not in the ear but in the part of the brain that is concerned with hearing. The auditory defect theory proposed that people who stutter have a built-in delay in processing their own speech. That is why delayed feedback of speech induces more fluency because this delay now matches the built-in delay. However, critics have pointed out that under delayed auditory feedback, the rate of speech is significantly slowed down. We know that when a person who stutters speaks slowly, fluency improves. We know that when a person who stutters speaks slowly with or without delayed auditory feedback, fluency improves. Therefore, it is possible that the effects of the delayed auditory feedback are due to slower speech.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Any defect is likely to be subtle and found only in some speakers with a stuttering problem. 2 Most of the neurophysiological research has not identified causes of stuttering. 3 Slow and discoordinated speech movements do not cause stuttering and such movements are stutterings themselves. 4 Therefore, much of the neurophysiological research describes the behavior of nerves and muscles of speech as they produce fluent and stuttered speech. 5 Another organic theory of stuttering is that people who stutter might have a defective auditory mechanism. 6 People who stutter can be significantly more fluent when their hearing is masked by noise fed to their ears through headphones. 7 Fluency also increases when people who stutter hear their own speech after a slight delay. 8 This delayed auditory feedback is arranged mechanically and has been used in treating stuttering. 9 These two findings, among a few others, have prompted speculation that, perhaps, the portion of the brain that interprets one's own speech production and thus helps regulate it may be defective. 10 It should be noted that most people who stutter have normal hearing, and the auditory problem hypothesized is not in the ear but in the part of the brain that is concerned with hearing. 11 The auditory defect theory proposed that people who stutter have a built-in delay in processing their own speech. 12 That is why delayed feedback of speech induces more fluency because this delay now matches the built-in delay. 13 However, critics have pointed out that under delayed auditory feedback, the rate of speech is significantly slowed down. 14 We know that when a person who stutters speaks slowly, fluency improves. 15 We know that when a person who stutters speaks slowly with or without delayed auditory feedback, fluency improves. 16 Therefore, it is possible that the effects of the delayed auditory feedback are due to slower speech.