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In addition, there are cluttering people whose speech rate is normal or slower than normal yet intelligible because of articulation disorders. For example, a speaker who clutters might say, "many thinkle peep so" instead of "many people think so". More research is need to identify effective treatment, generalization, and maintenance techniques for people who clutter. However, even if they are not diagnosed as stutters, the speech of people who clutter is full of dysfluencies. This problem is often described as a central language imbalance. A major problem with the treatment of cluttering is that the treatment effects are not generalized or maintained. They speak in a hurry, but they talk more time saying something because they have to repeat several times before they are understood. It is often stated that people who clutter, unlike those who stutter, are not concerned about their speech problem. Like people who stutter, those who clutter also vary in the number and combination of problems exhibited. However, they have great difficulty self-monitoring their speech. This often gives the impression that they are not aware of their problem, although this impression may not be fully valid. People who clutter also produce spoonerisms, which involve the unintentional interchange of sounds in a sentence. Techniques known to produce generalized fluency in people who stutter might not be as effective with those who clutter. Most clinicians have modified various stuttering treatment techniques to treat individuals who clutter. Others have speculated that cluttering is due to subtle brain damage that affects all aspects of movement including speech. Some researchers have speculated that cluttering is a generally transmitted disorder of speech and language. Even when it is demonstrated to them that slower, better controlled speech is more fluent and intelligible, they find it hard to stop cluttering on their own. They often are surprised that people do not understand them. Cluttering individuals repeat much on their own initiative and also at the request of their perplexed listeners. Some experts believe that disassociation between thought and language causes the stumbling talk of people who clutter. Some people who clutter also stutter. Eventually, many speakers who clutter become aware at least of listeners' negative reactions. Reducing the rate of speech usually improves the clarity of speech and its fluency.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 In addition, there are cluttering people whose speech rate is normal or slower than normal yet intelligible because of articulation disorders. 2 For example, a speaker who clutters might say, "many thinkle peep so" instead of "many people think so". 3 More research is need to identify effective treatment, generalization, and maintenance techniques for people who clutter. 4 However, even if they are not diagnosed as stutters, the speech of people who clutter is full of dysfluencies. 5 This problem is often described as a central language imbalance. 6 A major problem with the treatment of cluttering is that the treatment effects are not generalized or maintained. 7 They speak in a hurry, but they talk more time saying something because they have to repeat several times before they are understood. 8 It is often stated that people who clutter, unlike those who stutter, are not concerned about their speech problem. 9 Like people who stutter, those who clutter also vary in the number and combination of problems exhibited. 10 However, they have great difficulty self-monitoring their speech. 11 This often gives the impression that they are not aware of their problem, although this impression may not be fully valid. 12 People who clutter also produce spoonerisms, which involve the unintentional interchange of sounds in a sentence. 13 Techniques known to produce generalized fluency in people who stutter might not be as effective with those who clutter. 14 Most clinicians have modified various stuttering treatment techniques to treat individuals who clutter. 15 Others have speculated that cluttering is due to subtle brain damage that affects all aspects of movement including speech. 16 Some researchers have speculated that cluttering is a generally transmitted disorder of speech and language. 17 Even when it is demonstrated to them that slower, better controlled speech is more fluent and intelligible, they find it hard to stop cluttering on their own. 18 They often are surprised that people do not understand them. 19 Cluttering individuals repeat much on their own initiative and also at the request of their perplexed listeners. 20 Some experts believe that disassociation between thought and language causes the stumbling talk of people who clutter. 21 Some people who clutter also stutter. 22 Eventually, many speakers who clutter become aware at least of listeners' negative reactions. 23 Reducing the rate of speech usually improves the clarity of speech and its fluency.