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Human Domestication
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Human Domestication
Long before humans domesticated other animals, we may have domesticated ourselves. Over many generations, some scientists propose, humans selected among themselves for tameness. This process resulted in genetic changes that have shaped people in ways similar to other domesticated species. Tameness may boil down to a reduction in reactive aggression — the fly-off-the-handle temperament that makes an animal bare its teeth at the slightest challenge. In this sense, humans are fairly tame. That is, we don't attack every stranger we encounter. Sometime in the last 200,000 years, humans began weeding out people with an overdose of reactive aggression. Increasingly complex social skills would have allowed early humans to gang up against bullies. Those who got along, got ahead. Once animals have been selected for tameness, other traits tend to follow, including reshaping of the head and face. Humans also look domesticated: Compared with Neandertals', our faces are shorter with smaller brow ridges, and males' faces are more similar to those of females. Selecting for less-aggressive humans could have also helped us flourish as a social species. The earliest Homo sapiens were becoming capable of complex thought, but not yet language. We were modern in the sense of having modern brains, but we were not modern in behavior. Once humans began to self-domesticate, though, changes in neural crest cells could have nudged us toward a highly communicative species. Something similar happens in songbirds: Domesticated birds have more complex songs than their wild counterparts. What's more, self-domestication may be more common than once thought. Bonobos live in peaceful groups compared with closely related, but more violent, chimpanzees. If humans took steps to domesticate themselves, perhaps they weren't the only ones.
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1 Long before humans domesticated other animals, we may have domesticated ourselves. 2 Over many generations, some scientists propose, humans selected among themselves for tameness. 3 This process resulted in genetic changes that have shaped people in ways similar to other domesticated species. 4 Tameness may boil down to a reduction in reactive aggression — the fly-off-the-handle temperament that makes an animal bare its teeth at the slightest challenge. 5 In this sense, humans are fairly tame. 6 That is, we don't attack every stranger we encounter. 7 Sometime in the last 200,000 years, humans began weeding out people with an overdose of reactive aggression. 8 Increasingly complex social skills would have allowed early humans to gang up against bullies. 9 Those who got along, got ahead. 10 Once animals have been selected for tameness, other traits tend to follow, including reshaping of the head and face. 11 Humans also look domesticated: Compared with Neandertals', our faces are shorter with smaller brow ridges, and males' faces are more similar to those of females. 12 Selecting for less-aggressive humans could have also helped us flourish as a social species. 13 The earliest Homo sapiens were becoming capable of complex thought, but not yet language. 14 We were modern in the sense of having modern brains, but we were not modern in behavior. 15 Once humans began to self-domesticate, though, changes in neural crest cells could have nudged us toward a highly communicative species. 16 Something similar happens in songbirds: Domesticated birds have more complex songs than their wild counterparts. 17 What's more, self-domestication may be more common than once thought. 18 Bonobos live in peaceful groups compared with closely related, but more violent, chimpanzees. 19 If humans took steps to domesticate themselves, perhaps they weren't the only ones.