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24년 6월 고1 모의고사
24년 6월 고1 모의고사
24년 6월 고1 모의고사
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1 All humans, to an extent, seek activities that cause a degree of pain in order to experience pleasure, whether this is found in spicy food, strong massages, or stepping into a too-cold or too-hot bath. 2 The key is that it is a 'safe threat'. 3 The brain perceives the stimulus to be painful but ultimately non-threatening. 4 Interestingly, this could be similar to the way humor works: a 'safe threat' that causes pleasure by playfully violating norms. 5 We feel uncomfortable, but safe. 6 In this context, where survival is clearly not in danger, the desire for pain is actually the desire for a reward, not suffering or punishment. 7 This reward-like effect comes from the feeling of mastery over the pain. 8 The closer you look at your chilli-eating habit, the more remarkable it seems. 9 When the active ingredient of chillies — capsaicin — touches the tongue, it stimulates exactly the same receptor that is activated when any of these tissues are burned. 10 Knowing that our body is firing off danger signals, but that we are actually completely safe, produces pleasure. 11 All children start off hating chilli, but many learn to derive pleasure from it through repeated exposure and knowing that they will never experience any real harm. 12 Interestingly, seeking pain for the pain itself appears to be uniquely human. 13 The only way scientists have trained animals to have a preference for chilli or to self-harm is to have the pain always directly associated with a pleasurable reward.