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빠른독해 바른독해 종합실전편(2022) 11~15강
빠른독해 바른독해 종합실전편(2022) 11~15강
빠른독해 바른독해 종합실전편(2022) 11~15강
15 일반 장문 - 기출예제
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
15 일반 장문 - 기출예제
Many people believe that it is critical to share similar, if not identical, beliefs and values with someone with whom they have a relationship. While this may seem preferable, it is far from mandatory. Individuals from extremely diverse backgrounds have learned to overlook their differences and live harmonious, loving lives together. I've seen people from opposite ends of the spectrum economically and politically that ended up in happy, lasting marriages. I've seen couples from different ethnic groups merge into harmonious relationships, and I've seen people from different religions come together for a strong, lasting bond. Furthermore, many good friends have little in common except a warm loving feeling of respect and rapport. That's the only essential thing. People who enjoy the best relationships with others, who live life with the least frustration regarding their differences, have learned that differences are to be expected, a. fact of life. This understanding must go beyond a mere intellectual 'I know we're all different.' You must truly own this idea and incorporate it into your daily life. The way I see it, we have only two realistic choices. We can resist the principle of separate realities and remain frustrated and angry over the fact that no one seems to conform to our way of thinking, or we can strive to understand what in Eastern philosophy is called 'the way of things.' Separate realities is the way things really are. Everyone is unique and has different gifts to offer. When we look for these gifts we will surely find them — and in doing so, we will open the door to a world of personal growth.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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1 Many people believe that it is critical to share similar, if not identical, beliefs and values with someone with whom they have a relationship. 2 While this may seem preferable, it is far from mandatory. 3 Individuals from extremely diverse backgrounds have learned to overlook their differences and live harmonious, loving lives together. 4 I've seen people from opposite ends of the spectrum economically and politically that ended up in happy, lasting marriages. 5 I've seen couples from different ethnic groups merge into harmonious relationships, and I've seen people from different religions come together for a strong, lasting bond. 6 Furthermore, many good friends have little in common except a warm loving feeling of respect and rapport. 7 That's the only essential thing. 8 People who enjoy the best relationships with others, who live life with the least frustration regarding their differences, have learned that differences are to be expected, a. 9 fact of life. 10 This understanding must go beyond a mere intellectual 'I know we're all different.' 11 You must truly own this idea and incorporate it into your daily life. 12 The way I see it, we have only two realistic choices. 13 We can resist the principle of separate realities and remain frustrated and angry over the fact that no one seems to conform to our way of thinking, or we can strive to understand what in Eastern philosophy is called 'the way of things.' 14 Separate realities is the way things really are. 15 Everyone is unique and has different gifts to offer. 16 When we look for these gifts we will surely find them — and in doing so, we will open the door to a world of personal growth.