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빠른독해 바른독해 종합실전편(2022) 11~15강
빠른독해 바른독해 종합실전편(2022) 11~15강
빠른독해 바른독해 종합실전편(2022) 11~15강
15 일반 장문 - 3~4
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15 일반 장문 - 3~4
Agriculture in the United States has steadily moved toward simplification; what was once a wilderness rich in diversity has slowly shifted to a more uniform and purposefully designed landscape. Early settlers labored to make the land useful, and as time went on, farmers followed the most efficient route to profits — an intense focus on cultivating single crops. This strategy required standardization in production methods at any cost, going as far as reforming unique landscapes to make them uniform. However, the widespread removal of natural variation in the land or crops in the name of profit has led to environmental damage. Multiple factors have contributed to this: heavy dependence on a limited number of commercial crop species, pollution from fertilizers and insecticides, and disruption in natural water flow patterns to regulate irrigation. Regardless of the source of the cause, it is clear that the environment suffers due to attempts at simplification in production. The negative environmental impact is not the only consequence of the trend toward maximizing uniformity. The trend has also brought about an economically fragile agricultural system. Efficiency leads to overproduction, causing crop prices to drop and making farmers dependent on government subsidies to stay in business. Fortunately, the problem is finally getting attention, and some farmers are adopting better methods to work with the environment instead of against it. If the agricultural industry begins to acknowledge the natural diversity of the land and appreciate the benefits of diversity, farmers may be able to earn sufficient profits while respecting the environment at the same time.
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1 Agriculture in the United States has steadily moved toward simplification; what was once a wilderness rich in diversity has slowly shifted to a more uniform and purposefully designed landscape. 2 Early settlers labored to make the land useful, and as time went on, farmers followed the most efficient route to profits — an intense focus on cultivating single crops. 3 This strategy required standardization in production methods at any cost, going as far as reforming unique landscapes to make them uniform. 4 However, the widespread removal of natural variation in the land or crops in the name of profit has led to environmental damage. 5 Multiple factors have contributed to this: heavy dependence on a limited number of commercial crop species, pollution from fertilizers and insecticides, and disruption in natural water flow patterns to regulate irrigation. 6 Regardless of the source of the cause, it is clear that the environment suffers due to attempts at simplification in production. 7 The negative environmental impact is not the only consequence of the trend toward maximizing uniformity. 8 The trend has also brought about an economically fragile agricultural system. 9 Efficiency leads to overproduction, causing crop prices to drop and making farmers dependent on government subsidies to stay in business. 10 Fortunately, the problem is finally getting attention, and some farmers are adopting better methods to work with the environment instead of against it. 11 If the agricultural industry begins to acknowledge the natural diversity of the land and appreciate the benefits of diversity, farmers may be able to earn sufficient profits while respecting the environment at the same time.