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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
Fluency disorder Fluency disorder
Fluency disorder
Fluency disorder
brain 1
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
brain 1
Because the brain controls speech, stuttering may be due to faulty structures of functions of the brain. Several lines of research have investigated the relation between brain functions and stuttering. One line of investigation has suggested that in most individuals who stutter, one hemisphere of the brain may not be in full control of language may be processed in the right side of the brain. In most typical speakers, regardless of handedness, the left side of the brain is dominant for speech. The right side of the brain is dominant for musical and other non-verbal activities. The two halves of the brain, known as the cerebral hemispheres, are identical in may respects, but the left hemisphere is slightly larger, and experts believe this difference is due to the importance and complexity of speech and language, which this hemisphere controls. In a small percentage of individuals in the general population, the right hemisphere may be dominant for language. In any case, one hemisphere seems to take a leading role in controlling speech. However, if for some reason one of the hemispheres is not dominant for language, both may try to control the function in an asynchronous fashion, causing stuttering. Orton originally proposed such a theory in the 1920s. As summarized later by Travis, the theory essentially stated that in the brain of a person who stutters, neither hemisphere is dominant for speech. This theory was popular for many years in the United States and abroad. Later it was discarded in favor of other theories. In recent years, researchers have developed new ways to study brain and speech production. For example, the electroencephalographic method, by which the electrical activity of the brain is recorded, has suggested that unlike speakers who do not stutter, those who do may process verbal and non-verbal material in the right hemisphere, which might be the wrong hemisphere for language. By making moving X-ray films of the faces and oral structures of speakers who stutter, other experts have determined that the movements involved in speech are slower in people who stutter than in those who do not stutter, even when the speech of the person who typically stuttering is fluent at the time of measurement.
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1 Because the brain controls speech, stuttering may be due to faulty structures of functions of the brain. 2 Several lines of research have investigated the relation between brain functions and stuttering. 3 One line of investigation has suggested that in most individuals who stutter, one hemisphere of the brain may not be in full control of language may be processed in the right side of the brain. 4 In most typical speakers, regardless of handedness, the left side of the brain is dominant for speech. 5 The right side of the brain is dominant for musical and other non-verbal activities. 6 The two halves of the brain, known as the cerebral hemispheres, are identical in may respects, but the left hemisphere is slightly larger, and experts believe this difference is due to the importance and complexity of speech and language, which this hemisphere controls. 7 In a small percentage of individuals in the general population, the right hemisphere may be dominant for language. 8 In any case, one hemisphere seems to take a leading role in controlling speech. 9 However, if for some reason one of the hemispheres is not dominant for language, both may try to control the function in an asynchronous fashion, causing stuttering. 10 Orton originally proposed such a theory in the 1920s. 11 As summarized later by Travis, the theory essentially stated that in the brain of a person who stutters, neither hemisphere is dominant for speech. 12 This theory was popular for many years in the United States and abroad. 13 Later it was discarded in favor of other theories. 14 In recent years, researchers have developed new ways to study brain and speech production. 15 For example, the electroencephalographic method, by which the electrical activity of the brain is recorded, has suggested that unlike speakers who do not stutter, those who do may process verbal and non-verbal material in the right hemisphere, which might be the wrong hemisphere for language. 16 By making moving X-ray films of the faces and oral structures of speakers who stutter, other experts have determined that the movements involved in speech are slower in people who stutter than in those who do not stutter, even when the speech of the person who typically stuttering is fluent at the time of measurement.