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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
Fluency disorder Fluency disorder
Fluency disorder
Fluency disorder
motor 2
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
motor 2
Muscular tension associated with speech also is significant. Most people who stutter report a tightness in their throat, jaw, chest, shoulder, and stomach muscles while producing dysfluent speech. Most of the facial gestures described earlier are associated with excessive tension in the speech muscles. In some cases, tension may be felt in the entire body. Certain breathing abnormalities also may be associated with stuttering. As noted before, a person who stutters may try to talk while inhaling air. Whereas typical speakers stop and breathe every so often during speech, a person who stutters may try to keep talking, although the air supply is exhausted. People those stuttering is associated with this problem give the impression that they are trying to squeeze out the last bit of air from their lungs. In the middle of an utterance, some speakers who stutter stop and inhale unnecessarily. Breathing patterns of people who stutter may be jerky and arrhythmic during stuttered speech. Individuals who stutter exhibit these associated motor behaviors most likely because of accidental reinforcement of such behaviors. A man who says, "What t-t-t-t-t ...", happens to swing his arm in frustration, and just as he swings the arm, he happens to complete the word and the rest of the utterance which is "... time are you coming". The arm swing is accidentally reinforced by the release from an aversive stuttering. Next time when he stutters, he is more likely to swing the arm. At another time, a tight closing of the eyelids may be coincidental to the release from bad stuttering. Thus, initially, many associated motor behaviors may be coincidentally associated with the termination of stuttering. Eventually, they become a part of stuttering. At no time do the associated motor behaviors directly help people who stutter speak fluently. The associated motor behaviors are not crucial for a diagnosis of stuttering. Not all speakers who stutter show marked associated behaviors. These behaviors are not necessarily related to age or the number of years of stuttering. A 5-year-old child with a history of only a few months of stuttering may show a complex set of bizarre motor behaviors. A 50-year-old adult with a 45-year history of stuttering may show only a few mild associated motor behaviors, if any at all. Typically, associated motor behaviors are exhibited only during the production of dysfluent and tensed speech. Therefore, associated motor behaviors are not a necessary minimum condition to diagnose stuttering. However, when they are present, the exaggerated associated movements and muscular tension and make the diagnosis of stuttering virtually certain.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Muscular tension associated with speech also is significant. 2 Most people who stutter report a tightness in their throat, jaw, chest, shoulder, and stomach muscles while producing dysfluent speech. 3 Most of the facial gestures described earlier are associated with excessive tension in the speech muscles. 4 In some cases, tension may be felt in the entire body. 5 Certain breathing abnormalities also may be associated with stuttering. 6 As noted before, a person who stutters may try to talk while inhaling air. 7 Whereas typical speakers stop and breathe every so often during speech, a person who stutters may try to keep talking, although the air supply is exhausted. 8 People those stuttering is associated with this problem give the impression that they are trying to squeeze out the last bit of air from their lungs. 9 In the middle of an utterance, some speakers who stutter stop and inhale unnecessarily. 10 Breathing patterns of people who stutter may be jerky and arrhythmic during stuttered speech. 11 Individuals who stutter exhibit these associated motor behaviors most likely because of accidental reinforcement of such behaviors. 12 A man who says, "What t-t-t-t-t ...", happens to swing his arm in frustration, and just as he swings the arm, he happens to complete the word and the rest of the utterance which is "... time are you coming". 13 The arm swing is accidentally reinforced by the release from an aversive stuttering. 14 Next time when he stutters, he is more likely to swing the arm. 15 At another time, a tight closing of the eyelids may be coincidental to the release from bad stuttering. 16 Thus, initially, many associated motor behaviors may be coincidentally associated with the termination of stuttering. 17 Eventually, they become a part of stuttering. 18 At no time do the associated motor behaviors directly help people who stutter speak fluently. 19 The associated motor behaviors are not crucial for a diagnosis of stuttering. 20 Not all speakers who stutter show marked associated behaviors. 21 These behaviors are not necessarily related to age or the number of years of stuttering. 22 A 5-year-old child with a history of only a few months of stuttering may show a complex set of bizarre motor behaviors. 23 A 50-year-old adult with a 45-year history of stuttering may show only a few mild associated motor behaviors, if any at all. 24 Typically, associated motor behaviors are exhibited only during the production of dysfluent and tensed speech. 25 Therefore, associated motor behaviors are not a necessary minimum condition to diagnose stuttering. 26 However, when they are present, the exaggerated associated movements and muscular tension and make the diagnosis of stuttering virtually certain.