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지문 분석결과
fico가 지문 학습에 필요한 것들을 구성하여 학습 효율성을 제공해 드립니다.
노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
The study shows that few people live in the city; most seem to prefer the suburbs. Owing to a mistake made by the registrar's office, Kelly was dropped from her calculus course. In order to mentor another student, you must first have a strong understanding of what it takes to succeed at school. The students were encouraged to interrupt their teacher by raising their hands if they failed to understand what she was explaining. In the course of the school year, his advisor expected him to publish at least one journal article. The professor offered little in terms of consolation to the forlorn student who complained about her low exam grade. The teacher scolded James for being impolite when he refused to wait for his turn at the drinking fountain. David received a poor evaluation from his professor because he failed to participate in weekly class discussions. Larry felt the blood course through his veins as he excitedly read the new research on DNA. Neil was confused by his professor's explanation of why she expected a paper on Shakespeare, not Marlowe. Decorating the faculty lounge with balloons and pinwheels seemed a bizarre way to start the academic year. The college counselor can amend Tim's schedule so that he has more time for his required classes. In their culture, the younger generation has an obligation to take care of and honor the elderly. His study on the effects of immunizing populations against disease will benefit all mankind. The most remarkable and unbelievable consequence of melting ice and rising se that together they are a kind of time machine, so real that they are altering the duration of our day. The influx of new citizens put stress on the local resources. America has always welcomed the immigrants who arrive on its shores. The entire sector was plagued by economic problems, illiteracy and high death tolls. The well-planned demographic study helped differentiate fact from fiction. He used current health statistics to back up his proposed health-care plan. The condition of the family unit is a basic indicator of a country's stability. The government chose to allocate more resources for improving adult literacy. The slowdown isn't much, just a few thousandths of a second each year, but like the barely noticeable jump of rising seas every year, it adds up. This changes the shape of the Earth ever so slightly, making it fatter around the middle, which in turns slows the rotation of the planet similarly to the way a ballet dancer slows her spin by spreading out her arms. This changes the shape of the Earth ever so slightly, making it fatter around the middle, which in turns slows the rotation of the planet similarly to the way a ballet dancer slows her spin by spreading out her arms. When dinosaurs lived on the Earth, a day lasted only about twenty-three hours. It works like this: As the glaciers melt and the seas rise, gravity forces more water toward the equator.
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list_alt해석 목록
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inventory_2단어 목록 ● 단어 목록에 OpenVocas로 등록된 구가 있습니다.
문장에서 등장하는 단어를 fico가 대신 검색하여 제공해 드립니다. 단어를 눌러서 발음을 들어보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 The study shows that few people live in the city; most seem to prefer the suburbs. 2 Owing to a mistake made by the registrar's office, Kelly was dropped from her calculus course. 3 In order to mentor another student, you must first have a strong understanding of what it takes to succeed at school. 4 The students were encouraged to interrupt their teacher by raising their hands if they failed to understand what she was explaining. 5 In the course of the school year, his advisor expected him to publish at least one journal article. 6 The professor offered little in terms of consolation to the forlorn student who complained about her low exam grade. 7 The teacher scolded James for being impolite when he refused to wait for his turn at the drinking fountain. 8 David received a poor evaluation from his professor because he failed to participate in weekly class discussions. 9 Larry felt the blood course through his veins as he excitedly read the new research on DNA. 10 Neil was confused by his professor's explanation of why she expected a paper on Shakespeare, not Marlowe. 11 Decorating the faculty lounge with balloons and pinwheels seemed a bizarre way to start the academic year. 12 The college counselor can amend Tim's schedule so that he has more time for his required classes. 13 In their culture, the younger generation has an obligation to take care of and honor the elderly. 14 His study on the effects of immunizing populations against disease will benefit all mankind. 15 The most remarkable and unbelievable consequence of melting ice and rising se that together they are a kind of time machine, so real that they are altering the duration of our day. 16 The influx of new citizens put stress on the local resources. 17 America has always welcomed the immigrants who arrive on its shores. 18 The entire sector was plagued by economic problems, illiteracy and high death tolls. 19 The well-planned demographic study helped differentiate fact from fiction. 20 He used current health statistics to back up his proposed health-care plan. 21 The condition of the family unit is a basic indicator of a country's stability. 22 The government chose to allocate more resources for improving adult literacy. 23 The slowdown isn't much, just a few thousandths of a second each year, but like the barely noticeable jump of rising seas every year, it adds up. 24 This changes the shape of the Earth ever so slightly, making it fatter around the middle, which in turns slows the rotation of the planet similarly to the way a ballet dancer slows her spin by spreading out her arms. 25 This changes the shape of the Earth ever so slightly, making it fatter around the middle, which in turns slows the rotation of the planet similarly to the way a ballet dancer slows her spin by spreading out her arms. 26 When dinosaurs lived on the Earth, a day lasted only about twenty-three hours. 27 It works like this: As the glaciers melt and the seas rise, gravity forces more water toward the equator.