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Klara and the Sun - KAZUO ISHIGURO Klara and the Sun - KAZUO ISHIGURO
Klara and the Sun - KAZUO ISHIGURO
Klara and the Sun - KAZUO ISHIGURO
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1 But when I tried to talk with Rosa about what we'd seen, she looked puzzled and said: 'A fight? 2 I didn't see it, Klara.' 3 'Rosa, it's not possible you didn't notice. 4 It happened in front of us just now. 5 Those two drivers.' 6 'Oh. 7 You mean the taxi men! 8 I didn't realize you meant them, Klara. 9 Oh, I did see them, of course I did. 10 But I don't think they were fighting.' 11 'Rosa, of course they were fighting.' 12 'Oh no, they were pretending. 13 Just playing.' 14 'Rosa, they were fighting.' 15 'Don't be silly, Klara! 16 You think such strange thoughts. 17 They were just playing. 18 And they enjoyed themselves, and so did the passers-by.' 19 In the end I just said, 'You may be right, Rosa,' and I don't think she gave the incident any more thought. 20 But I couldn't forget the taxi drivers so easily. 21 I'd follow a particular person down the sidewalk with my gaze, wondering if he too could grow as angry as they had done. 22 Or I would try to imagine what a passer-by would look like with his or her face distorted in rage. 23 Most of all - and this Rosa would never have understood - I tried to feel in my own mind the anger the drivers had experienced. 24 I tried to imagine me and Rosa getting so angry with each other we would start to fight like that, actually trying to damage each other's bodies. 25 The idea seemed ridiculous, but I'd seen the taxi drivers, so I tried to find the beginnings of such a feeling in my mind. 26 It was useless, though, and I'd always end up laughing at my own thoughts.