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EBS 수능특강 영어영역 영어(2024)(2025 수능대비) Part 3 테스트편 2권
EBS 수능특강 영어영역 영어(2024)(2025 수능대비) Part 3 테스트편 2권
EBS 수능특강 영어영역 영어(2024)(2025 수능대비) Part 3 테스트편 2권
24~25 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
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24~25 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
In Singapore, due to road pricing, one can always expect to be able to achieve a speed of 40 miles per hour on the road. While the rich are more likely to afford this, buses can also achieve these speeds, and with the economies of scale of a bus this lowers the per-person trip price for achieving this speed. The full cost of commuting includes not only the out-of-pocket expenditure on gasoline, parking, and road use fees but the value of the lost time. If a commute takes thirty minutes rather than fifteen minutes because of traffic congestion, then the commuter has lost fifteen minutes. Economists have adopted the rule of thumb of valuing such lost time by half of the person's hourly wage. For example, if I earn $80 an hour and I lose fifteen minutes stuck in traffic, then this costs me $10 in lost time. To conserve on such lost time due to congestion, cities such as Stockholm, London, and Singapore have adopted road pricing. Drivers in such cities move at higher speeds and save time but must pay more money out of pocket to travel at peak use times. One explanation for why so few cities have adopted road pricing focuses on behavioral economics: people are used to the roads being free. To an economist, this is a puzzling explanation because congested roads cost us valuable time. This time cost means that free roads are not free to use. A second explanation for the agreement to road pricing is that many poor people drive and they prefer to pay for their commute using their time rather than paying a road use fee.
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1 In Singapore, due to road pricing, one can always expect to be able to achieve a speed of 40 miles per hour on the road. 2 While the rich are more likely to afford this, buses can also achieve these speeds, and with the economies of scale of a bus this lowers the per-person trip price for achieving this speed. 3 The full cost of commuting includes not only the out-of-pocket expenditure on gasoline, parking, and road use fees but the value of the lost time. 4 If a commute takes thirty minutes rather than fifteen minutes because of traffic congestion, then the commuter has lost fifteen minutes. 5 Economists have adopted the rule of thumb of valuing such lost time by half of the person's hourly wage. 6 For example, if I earn $80 an hour and I lose fifteen minutes stuck in traffic, then this costs me $10 in lost time. 7 To conserve on such lost time due to congestion, cities such as Stockholm, London, and Singapore have adopted road pricing. 8 Drivers in such cities move at higher speeds and save time but must pay more money out of pocket to travel at peak use times. 9 One explanation for why so few cities have adopted road pricing focuses on behavioral economics: people are used to the roads being free. 10 To an economist, this is a puzzling explanation because congested roads cost us valuable time. 11 This time cost means that free roads are not free to use. 12 A second explanation for the agreement to road pricing is that many poor people drive and they prefer to pay for their commute using their time rather than paying a road use fee.