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Reading Expert 1(2020)
Reading Expert 1(2020)
Reading Expert 1(2020)
UNIT 12 - READING 2 Indecisiveness
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UNIT 12 - READING 2 Indecisiveness
Do you find it difficult to decide what to wear when going out to meet your friends? Do you get stuck when you can't decide between two new smartphone models? If so, you might be struggling with indecisiveness. Indecision can be a good thing when it prevents you from choosing without careful thought. However, if you hesitate too long, it can lead to frustration and missed opportunities. Indecisiveness is often caused by perfectionism. When people are too worried about making mistakes or the possibility of failure, they become unable to make any decision at all. Luckily, there are some tips you can follow to avoid unnecessary hesitation. These tips will help you become a more confident decision-maker. First, following your intuition can be helpful. In order not to over-analyze, write down your options. And then quickly give each one a rating from one to ten. Then simply choose the option with the highest rating. You can also practice your decision-making on trivial things, like what to eat for lunch. If you can get better at making quick, firm decisions on little things, you will be better equipped to tackle important decisions when you need to. Finally, it can be helpful to acknowledge that many decisions aren't as important as they seem. Just ask yourself, "Will this decision matter in ten years?" Even if the answer is yes, remember that many decisions are reversible. For example, if you decide to enroll in an art class only to find that you don't enjoy it, you can just quit. The risk involved in trying something new is usually not that big.
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상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 Do you find it difficult to decide what to wear when going out to meet your friends? 2 Do you get stuck when you can't decide between two new smartphone models? 3 If so, you might be struggling with indecisiveness. 4 Indecision can be a good thing when it prevents you from choosing without careful thought. 5 However, if you hesitate too long, it can lead to frustration and missed opportunities. 6 Indecisiveness is often caused by perfectionism. 7 When people are too worried about making mistakes or the possibility of failure, they become unable to make any decision at all. 8 Luckily, there are some tips you can follow to avoid unnecessary hesitation. 9 These tips will help you become a more confident decision-maker. 10 First, following your intuition can be helpful. 11 In order not to over-analyze, write down your options. 12 And then quickly give each one a rating from one to ten. 13 Then simply choose the option with the highest rating. 14 You can also practice your decision-making on trivial things, like what to eat for lunch. 15 If you can get better at making quick, firm decisions on little things, you will be better equipped to tackle important decisions when you need to. 16 Finally, it can be helpful to acknowledge that many decisions aren't as important as they seem. 17 Just ask yourself, "Will this decision matter in ten years?" 18 Even if the answer is yes, remember that many decisions are reversible. 19 For example, if you decide to enroll in an art class only to find that you don't enjoy it, you can just quit. 20 The risk involved in trying something new is usually not that big.