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1 Sociological facts help explain development of different ways of thinking or cognitive styles of different civilizations. 2 Consider, for example, the contrast between ancient China and ancient Greece. 3 In part because of complex irrigation needs, the rice agriculture of ancient southern China required substantial cooperation among neighbors. 4 It had to be centrally organized in an elaborate hierarchy within a large state. 5 Harmony and social order were therefore central to ancient Chinese life. 6 Ancient Chinese thinking, in turn, tended to stress the importance of mutual social obligation and consensus rather than debate. 7 Ancient Chinese philosophy focused on the way whole systems, not separate categories, cause processes and events. 8 In contrast, the hills and seashores of ancient Greece were suited to small-scale herding and fishing. 9 Ancient Greece was less socially complex than ancient China. 10 It was more politically decentralized. 11 It gave its citizens more personal freedom. 12 Consequently, philosophies tended to be analytical, which means, among other things, that processes and events were viewed as the result of discrete categories rather than whole systems. 13 Markedly different civilizations grew up on these different cognitive foundations. 14 Different ways of thinking depended less on people's innate characteristics than on the structure of society. 15 Clearly, society plays a major role in shaping the way we think and the way we think of ourselves.