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The상승 수능유형편(2024) 실전모의고사
The상승 수능유형편(2024) 실전모의고사
The상승 수능유형편(2024) 실전모의고사
실전모의고사 02 - 7~9번
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실전모의고사 02 - 7~9번
Monopoly is one of the most popular board games ever. However, the version many of us know today is quite different from the original. For years, Charles Darrow was recognized as the inventor of the game. It was said that he invented Monopoly during the Great Depression as a way of remembering better times. But he actually took his idea from another game. It was called the Landlord's Game, and it was created by a woman named Elizabeth Magie. She was born in the USA in 1866 and had many different jobs during her lifetime. She came up with the idea for the game after reading a book by Henry George. George was an anti-monopolist, meaning he didn't think a small group of people should control any industry. At the time, most of the land in America was owned by a handful of millionaires. George argued that any money earned from the land should belong equally to all citizens. He also believed that governments should tax land instead of labor. Magie wanted to teach people about the dangers of land monopolies, so she created her game. After it was released, the Landlord's Game became popular with academics who agreed with George's ideas. However, the general public mostly ignored it. One day, Darrow, a salesman, saw some friends playing it. He told his family about his idea for a similar game, and they helped him develop it. In 1935, a company called Parker Brothers bought the rights to both his game and Magie's. They began marketing it all across the country, and soon it had become a huge hit. This made Darrow a wealthy man, as Parker Brothers paid him a percentage of every sale of the game. Magie, on the other hand, received nothing more than a onetime payment of $500. Even worse, the lessons she had tried to teach people with her game had been reversed. In the new versions of it, players win by forming a monopoly and taking all the money from everyone else.
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1 Monopoly is one of the most popular board games ever. 2 However, the version many of us know today is quite different from the original. 3 For years, Charles Darrow was recognized as the inventor of the game. 4 It was said that he invented Monopoly during the Great Depression as a way of remembering better times. 5 But he actually took his idea from another game. 6 It was called the Landlord's Game, and it was created by a woman named Elizabeth Magie. 7 She was born in the USA in 1866 and had many different jobs during her lifetime. 8 She came up with the idea for the game after reading a book by Henry George. 9 George was an anti-monopolist, meaning he didn't think a small group of people should control any industry. 10 At the time, most of the land in America was owned by a handful of millionaires. 11 George argued that any money earned from the land should belong equally to all citizens. 12 He also believed that governments should tax land instead of labor. 13 Magie wanted to teach people about the dangers of land monopolies, so she created her game. 14 After it was released, the Landlord's Game became popular with academics who agreed with George's ideas. 15 However, the general public mostly ignored it. 16 One day, Darrow, a salesman, saw some friends playing it. 17 He told his family about his idea for a similar game, and they helped him develop it. 18 In 1935, a company called Parker Brothers bought the rights to both his game and Magie's. 19 They began marketing it all across the country, and soon it had become a huge hit. 20 This made Darrow a wealthy man, as Parker Brothers paid him a percentage of every sale of the game. 21 Magie, on the other hand, received nothing more than a onetime payment of $500. 22 Even worse, the lessons she had tried to teach people with her game had been reversed. 23 In the new versions of it, players win by forming a monopoly and taking all the money from everyone else.