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neurological communicative neurological communicative
neurological communicative
neurological communicative
cerebral palsy
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cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is characterized by brain injury in early childhood resulting paralysis or muscular weakness and attending problems with physical growth, locomotion, communication, and potential sensory deficits. Diagnosed in childhood, cerebral palsy may be noticed sometime after the birth, typically during the first 2 years of life. In fact, its origin may be prenatal or congenital. The disorder is not progressive. It is chronic, although some children with cerebral palsy improves as they grow older. The incidence of cerebral palsy is variously estimated to be 1 to 6 per 1,000 births. In the United States, at least 750,000 people live with the problem, requiring extensive rehabilitation services. Most of them are younger than 21 years of age. Brain injury in children that causes cerebral palsy has many causes. It may occur during pregnancy, during children, or soon after birth. Infections the pregnant woman suffers are a major prenatal source of brain injury. Rubella, mumps, and influenza in the mother, especially during the early period of pregnancy, can damage the fetal brain. A mother's anemia may cause fetal anoxia and brain injury. A sick pregnant woman who is exposed to too many X-rays, too much radiation, or large amounts of anesthesia might have a brain-injured child. Accidents during pregnancy are a major source of fetal brain injury. While the incidence of fetal brain injury due to infections has decreased over the years, the incidence due to car accidents has increased. Perinatal causes of brain injury include prolonged labor, breech delivery, too fast a delivery, and structural damage to the head by the use of forceps. Fetal brain hemorrhage due to nay of these and other causes eventually injures portions of the brain by the formation of blood clots that prevent the free flow of cerebral blood. Premature babies are more likely to suffer brain injury than full-term babies are. Postnatal causes of cerebral palsy also are numerous. Auto accidents play a major role. Other causes are infections or diseases, including mumps, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, meningitis, and encephalitis. Meningitis is a disease of the meninges, the membranes covering the brain. Encephalitis results in inflamed brain cells. Both cause brain injury Postnatal anoxia, another frequent cause of brain injury, results when a baby does not breathe soon after birth. Vascular diseases that reduce the cerebral blood supply can damage the brain cells for the same reason. Numerous poisoning agents, including lead and mercury, also are important causes. There are several ways of classifying cerebral palsy. One classification is based on the body parts that are paralyzed. When only the left of the right half of the body is affected, it is called hemiplegia. When only the legs are involved, it is called paraplegia. When only one limb is affected, it is called monoplegia. When either the legs or the arms are involved, it is called diplegia. When all four limbs are involved, it is called quadriplegia. Another commonly used classification of cerebral palsy has three types which are spastic, athetoid, and ataxic. Unlike the other classification, which is based on the number of limbs paralyzed, this one is based on clusters of neurological symptoms.
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1 Cerebral palsy is characterized by brain injury in early childhood resulting paralysis or muscular weakness and attending problems with physical growth, locomotion, communication, and potential sensory deficits. 2 Diagnosed in childhood, cerebral palsy may be noticed sometime after the birth, typically during the first 2 years of life. 3 In fact, its origin may be prenatal or congenital. 4 The disorder is not progressive. 5 It is chronic, although some children with cerebral palsy improves as they grow older. 6 The incidence of cerebral palsy is variously estimated to be 1 to 6 per 1,000 births. 7 In the United States, at least 750,000 people live with the problem, requiring extensive rehabilitation services. 8 Most of them are younger than 21 years of age. 9 Brain injury in children that causes cerebral palsy has many causes. 10 It may occur during pregnancy, during children, or soon after birth. 11 Infections the pregnant woman suffers are a major prenatal source of brain injury. 12 Rubella, mumps, and influenza in the mother, especially during the early period of pregnancy, can damage the fetal brain. 13 A mother's anemia may cause fetal anoxia and brain injury. 14 A sick pregnant woman who is exposed to too many X-rays, too much radiation, or large amounts of anesthesia might have a brain-injured child. 15 Accidents during pregnancy are a major source of fetal brain injury. 16 While the incidence of fetal brain injury due to infections has decreased over the years, the incidence due to car accidents has increased. 17 Perinatal causes of brain injury include prolonged labor, breech delivery, too fast a delivery, and structural damage to the head by the use of forceps. 18 Fetal brain hemorrhage due to nay of these and other causes eventually injures portions of the brain by the formation of blood clots that prevent the free flow of cerebral blood. 19 Premature babies are more likely to suffer brain injury than full-term babies are. 20 Postnatal causes of cerebral palsy also are numerous. 21 Auto accidents play a major role. 22 Other causes are infections or diseases, including mumps, scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough, meningitis, and encephalitis. 23 Meningitis is a disease of the meninges, the membranes covering the brain. 24 Encephalitis results in inflamed brain cells. 25 Both cause brain injury Postnatal anoxia, another frequent cause of brain injury, results when a baby does not breathe soon after birth. 26 Vascular diseases that reduce the cerebral blood supply can damage the brain cells for the same reason. 27 Numerous poisoning agents, including lead and mercury, also are important causes. 28 There are several ways of classifying cerebral palsy. 29 One classification is based on the body parts that are paralyzed. 30 When only the left of the right half of the body is affected, it is called hemiplegia. 31 When only the legs are involved, it is called paraplegia. 32 When only one limb is affected, it is called monoplegia. 33 When either the legs or the arms are involved, it is called diplegia. 34 When all four limbs are involved, it is called quadriplegia. 35 Another commonly used classification of cerebral palsy has three types which are spastic, athetoid, and ataxic. 36 Unlike the other classification, which is based on the number of limbs paralyzed, this one is based on clusters of neurological symptoms.