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지문 분석결과
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노트나 질문을 통해 자신만의 지문 노트를 만들어 관리해 보세요.
neurological communicative neurological communicative
neurological communicative
neurological communicative
motor speech disorder, adults
문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
motor speech disorder, adults
Neurological damage can cause not only aphasia, a language disorder due to brain damage, but also speech disorders, which are distinguished from each other and from aphasia. Speech disorders that result from central or peripheral nervous system damage are called motor speech disorders or neurogenic speech disorders. Apraxia is a neuromuscular disorder of sequenced movement of body parts in the absence of muscle weakness or paralysis. Apraxia of speech is difficulty in initiating and executing the movement patterns necessary to produce speech when there is no paralysis, weakness, or discoordination of speech muscles. A marked difficulty in articulating speech sound is the predominant result of this movement disorder. A disturbed prosody also may be present. There are several other kinds of apraxia. For instance, when a person cannot move the muscles of the throat, soft palate, tongue, and cheek for non-speech purposes, the disorder is called oral apraxia. A person with oral apraxia may not be able to stick the tongue out or lick the lips when asked to do so. However, while eating ice cream on a cone, the same individual has no difficulty in making such movements, suggesting that there is no paralysis or muscle weakness. In limb apraxia, individuals cannot comply when requested to move their hand to wave goodbye or to show how a hammer is used. On their own, they may be able to execute these movements. In adults, apraxia in general and apraxia of speech in particular are associated with lesions in Broca's area in the left frontal lobe. Broca's area is thought to be the central motor programming area that plans and helps execute the various movement patterns necessary for speech. When the working of this presumed programmer is impaired by brain injury, the person has difficulty in positioning the articulators and moving them according to a plan necessary for producing words. The most frequent cause of injury to the motor speech programming area is a stroke. Injury to the frontal and the parietal regions of the brain is often associated with apraxia of speech. Left hemisphere brain injury due to external factors, tumors in the left hemisphere, seizure disorders, and accidental injury to the brain during brain surgery may also cause apraxia of speech.
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1 Neurological damage can cause not only aphasia, a language disorder due to brain damage, but also speech disorders, which are distinguished from each other and from aphasia. 2 Speech disorders that result from central or peripheral nervous system damage are called motor speech disorders or neurogenic speech disorders. 3 Apraxia is a neuromuscular disorder of sequenced movement of body parts in the absence of muscle weakness or paralysis. 4 Apraxia of speech is difficulty in initiating and executing the movement patterns necessary to produce speech when there is no paralysis, weakness, or discoordination of speech muscles. 5 A marked difficulty in articulating speech sound is the predominant result of this movement disorder. 6 A disturbed prosody also may be present. 7 There are several other kinds of apraxia. 8 For instance, when a person cannot move the muscles of the throat, soft palate, tongue, and cheek for non-speech purposes, the disorder is called oral apraxia. 9 A person with oral apraxia may not be able to stick the tongue out or lick the lips when asked to do so. 10 However, while eating ice cream on a cone, the same individual has no difficulty in making such movements, suggesting that there is no paralysis or muscle weakness. 11 In limb apraxia, individuals cannot comply when requested to move their hand to wave goodbye or to show how a hammer is used. 12 On their own, they may be able to execute these movements. 13 In adults, apraxia in general and apraxia of speech in particular are associated with lesions in Broca's area in the left frontal lobe. 14 Broca's area is thought to be the central motor programming area that plans and helps execute the various movement patterns necessary for speech. 15 When the working of this presumed programmer is impaired by brain injury, the person has difficulty in positioning the articulators and moving them according to a plan necessary for producing words. 16 The most frequent cause of injury to the motor speech programming area is a stroke. 17 Injury to the frontal and the parietal regions of the brain is often associated with apraxia of speech. 18 Left hemisphere brain injury due to external factors, tumors in the left hemisphere, seizure disorders, and accidental injury to the brain during brain surgery may also cause apraxia of speech.