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By now the contours of realism as a paradigm should be familiar. Realists of all stripes agree that states are the most important actors in the international system, that anarchy has a powerful effect on state behavior, and that at the end of the day all politics is power politics. They even noted the important role that considerations of ethics would play in shaping foreign policy, although they tended to bemoan that as insufficiently hard-nosed and practical. Classical realists had more of a humanistic approach to world politics than a scientific one. There are other distinctions to make within realism as well. They are both varieties of what James Mayall calls "hard realists", in contrast to "soft realists", who would include the maintenance of international order among state goals. Many of the so-called English School writers on international relations, such as Bull, fall broadly within this category. What realists of all kinds share is a commitment to the view that there is an immutable logic to world politics that is perhaps best summed up by the aphorism inspired by an 1848 statement that Lord Palmerston. But there is ample room for debate within realism and vibrant ongoing research programs that attempt to help us answer questions. Many of them were prominent historians or philosophers. "Defensive realists" tend to stress security as the dominant state goal, whereas "offensive" realists tended to stress power. In contrast, neorealists seek to emulate the natural sciences and are much more concerned with generating purely systemic theories.
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1 By now the contours of realism as a paradigm should be familiar. 2 Realists of all stripes agree that states are the most important actors in the international system, that anarchy has a powerful effect on state behavior, and that at the end of the day all politics is power politics. 3 They even noted the important role that considerations of ethics would play in shaping foreign policy, although they tended to bemoan that as insufficiently hard-nosed and practical. 4 Classical realists had more of a humanistic approach to world politics than a scientific one. 5 There are other distinctions to make within realism as well. 6 They are both varieties of what James Mayall calls "hard realists", in contrast to "soft realists", who would include the maintenance of international order among state goals. 7 Many of the so-called English School writers on international relations, such as Bull, fall broadly within this category. 8 What realists of all kinds share is a commitment to the view that there is an immutable logic to world politics that is perhaps best summed up by the aphorism inspired by an 1848 statement that Lord Palmerston. 9 But there is ample room for debate within realism and vibrant ongoing research programs that attempt to help us answer questions. 10 Many of them were prominent historians or philosophers. 11 "Defensive realists" tend to stress security as the dominant state goal, whereas "offensive" realists tended to stress power. 12 In contrast, neorealists seek to emulate the natural sciences and are much more concerned with generating purely systemic theories.