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문장 선택
문장을 클릭하면 해당 문장의 구문 분석 내용을 보여줍니다.
This kind of coverage is hard for people to distance themselves from because of the pervasive nature of technology: negative headlines litter the feeds of social media platforms and allow for constant updates. With reference toorigin, however, perhaps it was the ancient Greeks who popularized this notion, with historical figures such as Hippocrates asserting that some societies were different, andinferior, by nature. How did the concept of otherness take root in society? It's a widespread phenomenon as people's emotions are worn out by the constant onslaught of bad news, leaving each new disaster to simply blend into the last one. The result is that people are experiencing compassion fatigue and are now unable to respond to stories that would normally evoke a reaction. Over time, the media has sought to cover stories that are more and more shocking in order to gain readership. People are no longer astonished or horrified by news stories but have instead become numb from reading about tragedy and violence day after day. The expected reactions to such content are empathy and compassion, yet many today suffer from not feeling any type of emotion in response to it at all. The existence of artificial intelligence poses philosophical questions, such as, is there anything that makes human intelligence when machines can think? The 24-hour news cycle exposes people to a never-ending stream of bad news in the forms of traumatic images and sensationalistic stories. Their point is that actinglikea human is vastly different from possessing consciousness, which we still know very little about. Some believe that this sort of simulation of intelligence is inevitable, since, as the brain obeysthelaws of science, the mind's function must be replicable. If the person cannot figure out which speaker is not human, then the machine has successfully passed as human and possesses intelligence. Perhaps the most influential response is Alan Turing's Turing test, in which a human judges a machine's intelligence through a dialogue between a human and machine. Correspondingly, does the success of artificial intelligence mean that the human mind is simply a type of machine? The question of whether machines are intelligent has preoccupied philosophers for decades. The existence of artificial intelligence poses philosophical questions, such as, is there anything that makes human intelligence unique when machines can think? People have always been wary of civilizations and populations that function differently from theirs own.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 This kind of coverage is hard for people to distance themselves from because of the pervasive nature of technology: negative headlines litter the feeds of social media platforms and allow for constant updates. 2 With reference toorigin, however, perhaps it was the ancient Greeks who popularized this notion, with historical figures such as Hippocrates asserting that some societies were different, andinferior, by nature. 3 How did the concept of otherness take root in society? 4 It's a widespread phenomenon as people's emotions are worn out by the constant onslaught of bad news, leaving each new disaster to simply blend into the last one. 5 The result is that people are experiencing compassion fatigue and are now unable to respond to stories that would normally evoke a reaction. 6 Over time, the media has sought to cover stories that are more and more shocking in order to gain readership. 7 People are no longer astonished or horrified by news stories but have instead become numb from reading about tragedy and violence day after day. 8 The expected reactions to such content are empathy and compassion, yet many today suffer from not feeling any type of emotion in response to it at all. 9 The existence of artificial intelligence poses philosophical questions, such as, is there anything that makes human intelligence when machines can think? 10 The 24-hour news cycle exposes people to a never-ending stream of bad news in the forms of traumatic images and sensationalistic stories. 11 Their point is that actinglikea human is vastly different from possessing consciousness, which we still know very little about. 12 Some believe that this sort of simulation of intelligence is inevitable, since, as the brain obeysthelaws of science, the mind's function must be replicable. 13 If the person cannot figure out which speaker is not human, then the machine has successfully passed as human and possesses intelligence. 14 Perhaps the most influential response is Alan Turing's Turing test, in which a human judges a machine's intelligence through a dialogue between a human and machine. 15 Correspondingly, does the success of artificial intelligence mean that the human mind is simply a type of machine? 16 The question of whether machines are intelligent has preoccupied philosophers for decades. 17 The existence of artificial intelligence poses philosophical questions, such as, is there anything that makes human intelligence unique when machines can think? 18 People have always been wary of civilizations and populations that function differently from theirs own.