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Reading Expert 2(2020)
Reading Expert 2(2020)
Reading Expert 2(2020)
UNIT 14 - READING 2 The False Consensus Effect
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UNIT 14 - READING 2 The False Consensus Effect
Have you ever been surprised to see negative reviews of a movie that you enjoyed? This surprise can be explained by the false consensus effect. It is the assumption that most other people have the same opinions we do. Many experiments have proven that the false consensus effect is real. In one study, researchers asked subjects if they would agree to walk around the campus for thirty minutes while wearing a sandwich board with an advertisement. The subjects were also asked to estimate how many people would agree or refuse to carry the board. On average, both those who agreed to carry the board and those who refused estimated that the majority of others would make the same choice they did. There are three main causes of the false consensus effect. First, we predict how others think generally based on opinions of our friends and family, whose beliefs are likely to be similar to ours. Second, believing that other people think like we do makes us feel good about ourselves. Finally, we are more likely to notice and pay attention to other people's opinions when they are the same as ours. The false consensus effect becomes stronger when it comes to beliefs that we hold firmly. For example, if you are absolutely convinced that a certain law will help reduce crime in your neighborhood, then you will be highly likely to believe that most others in your neighborhood will also support the law. Do you think the false consensus effect is real? Or do you doubt it? You might think that others have the same opinion as you. If so, you might be experiencing the false consensus effect right now! Therefore, try to remember that not everyone shares the same opinion, even when it seems like common sense!
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1 Have you ever been surprised to see negative reviews of a movie that you enjoyed? 2 This surprise can be explained by the false consensus effect. 3 It is the assumption that most other people have the same opinions we do. 4 Many experiments have proven that the false consensus effect is real. 5 In one study, researchers asked subjects if they would agree to walk around the campus for thirty minutes while wearing a sandwich board with an advertisement. 6 The subjects were also asked to estimate how many people would agree or refuse to carry the board. 7 On average, both those who agreed to carry the board and those who refused estimated that the majority of others would make the same choice they did. 8 There are three main causes of the false consensus effect. 9 First, we predict how others think generally based on opinions of our friends and family, whose beliefs are likely to be similar to ours. 10 Second, believing that other people think like we do makes us feel good about ourselves. 11 Finally, we are more likely to notice and pay attention to other people's opinions when they are the same as ours. 12 The false consensus effect becomes stronger when it comes to beliefs that we hold firmly. 13 For example, if you are absolutely convinced that a certain law will help reduce crime in your neighborhood, then you will be highly likely to believe that most others in your neighborhood will also support the law. 14 Do you think the false consensus effect is real? 15 Or do you doubt it? 16 You might think that others have the same opinion as you. 17 If so, you might be experiencing the false consensus effect right now! 18 Therefore, try to remember that not everyone shares the same opinion, even when it seems like common sense!