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Reading Expert 2(2020)
Reading Expert 2(2020)
Reading Expert 2(2020)
UNIT 01 - READING 2 Alpine-Style Climbing
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UNIT 01 - READING 2 Alpine-Style Climbing
Climbing the world's tallest mountains is no easy task. But it is even more difficult when it is done in what is known as "alpine style." This is what Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler decided to do in 1975. The alpine style of climbing was developed as an alternative to the traditional way the tall mountains of the Asian Himalayas were being climbed. In the traditional or siege style, climbers would hire dozens of assistants to set up a series of camps equipped with the necessary supplies. They would then climb their way from one camp to the next, eventually reaching the mountain's top. But alpine style means climbing the mountain in a single attempt, carrying everything you need on your back. Named after the Alps mountain range of Europe, this style requires climbers to start at the very bottom of the mountain. They cannot use fixed ropes, bring along oxygen tanks, or hire porters to help carry their equipment and supplies. When Messner and Habeler set out to climb the Himalayan mountain known as Gasherbrum I in this way, other climbers thought they were crazy. They thought that alpine style was fine for smaller mountains, but not the Himalayas. However, Messner and Habeler proved everyone wrong. It took them only three days to reach the top of Gasherbrum I, and they became the first ever to climb a mountain taller than 8,000 meters in the alpine style. Despite the high risk, there are several advantages to the alpine style. Since it takes less time, there is a smaller chance of being caught in a snowstorm or an avalanche. It is also better for the environment. In traditional-style expeditions, large climbing teams with many camps leave behind a lot of garbage, such as torn tents and empty oxygen tanks. But alpine-style climbers work quickly, leaving behind no trace of their amazing accomplishments.
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1 Climbing the world's tallest mountains is no easy task. 2 But it is even more difficult when it is done in what is known as "alpine style." 3 This is what Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler decided to do in 1975. 4 The alpine style of climbing was developed as an alternative to the traditional way the tall mountains of the Asian Himalayas were being climbed. 5 In the traditional or siege style, climbers would hire dozens of assistants to set up a series of camps equipped with the necessary supplies. 6 They would then climb their way from one camp to the next, eventually reaching the mountain's top. 7 But alpine style means climbing the mountain in a single attempt, carrying everything you need on your back. 8 Named after the Alps mountain range of Europe, this style requires climbers to start at the very bottom of the mountain. 9 They cannot use fixed ropes, bring along oxygen tanks, or hire porters to help carry their equipment and supplies. 10 When Messner and Habeler set out to climb the Himalayan mountain known as Gasherbrum I in this way, other climbers thought they were crazy. 11 They thought that alpine style was fine for smaller mountains, but not the Himalayas. 12 However, Messner and Habeler proved everyone wrong. 13 It took them only three days to reach the top of Gasherbrum I, and they became the first ever to climb a mountain taller than 8,000 meters in the alpine style. 14 Despite the high risk, there are several advantages to the alpine style. 15 Since it takes less time, there is a smaller chance of being caught in a snowstorm or an avalanche. 16 It is also better for the environment. 17 In traditional-style expeditions, large climbing teams with many camps leave behind a lot of garbage, such as torn tents and empty oxygen tanks. 18 But alpine-style climbers work quickly, leaving behind no trace of their amazing accomplishments.