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지문 분석결과
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리딩맵핑기본1유형10 리딩맵핑기본1유형10
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제목 없음
1) What really works to motivate people to achieve their goals? 2) In one study, researchers looked at how people respond to life challenges including getting a job, taking an exam, or undergoing surgery. 3) For each of these conditions, the researchers also measured how much these participants fantasized about positive outcomes and how much they actually expected a positive outcome. 4) What's the difference really between fantasy and expectation? 5) While fantasy involves imagining an idealized future, expectation is actually based on a person's past experiences. 6) So what did the researchers find? 7) The results revealed that those who had engaged in fantasizing about the desired future did worse in all three conditions. 8) Those who had more positive expectations for success did better in the following weeks, months, and years. 9) These individuals were more likely to have found jobs, passed their exams, or successfully recovered from their surgery. 10) Positive expectations are more effective than fantasizing about a desired future, and they are likely to increase your chances of success in achieving goals. 11) In one study, researchers asked students to arrange ten posters in order of beauty. 12) They promised that afterward the students could have one of the ten posters as a reward for their participation. 13) However, when the students finished the task, the researchers said that the students were not allowed to keep the poster that they had rated as the thirdmost beautiful. 14) Then, they asked the students to judge all ten posters again from the very beginning. 15) What happened was that the poster they were unable to keep was suddenly ranked as the most beautiful. 16) This is an example of the "Romeo and Juliet effect". 17) Just like Romeo and Juliet in the Shakespearean tragedy, people become more attached to each other when their love is prohibited. 18) One way that music could express emotion is simply through a learned association. 19) Perhaps there is nothing naturally sad about a piece of music in a minor key, or played slowly with low notes. 20) Maybe we have just come to hear certain kinds of music as sad because we have learned to associate them in our culture with sad events like funerals.
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해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
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학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 1) What really works to motivate people to achieve their goals? 2 2) In one study, researchers looked at how people respond to life challenges including getting a job, taking an exam, or undergoing surgery. 3 3) For each of these conditions, the researchers also measured how much these participants fantasized about positive outcomes and how much they actually expected a positive outcome. 4 4) What's the difference really between fantasy and expectation? 5 5) While fantasy involves imagining an idealized future, expectation is actually based on a person's past experiences. 6 6) So what did the researchers find? 7 7) The results revealed that those who had engaged in fantasizing about the desired future did worse in all three conditions. 8 8) Those who had more positive expectations for success did better in the following weeks, months, and years. 9 9) These individuals were more likely to have found jobs, passed their exams, or successfully recovered from their surgery. 10 10) Positive expectations are more effective than fantasizing about a desired future, and they are likely to increase your chances of success in achieving goals. 11 11) In one study, researchers asked students to arrange ten posters in order of beauty. 12 12) They promised that afterward the students could have one of the ten posters as a reward for their participation. 13 13) However, when the students finished the task, the researchers said that the students were not allowed to keep the poster that they had rated as the thirdmost beautiful. 14 14) Then, they asked the students to judge all ten posters again from the very beginning. 15 15) What happened was that the poster they were unable to keep was suddenly ranked as the most beautiful. 16 16) This is an example of the "Romeo and Juliet effect". 17 17) Just like Romeo and Juliet in the Shakespearean tragedy, people become more attached to each other when their love is prohibited. 18 18) One way that music could express emotion is simply through a learned association. 19 19) Perhaps there is nothing naturally sad about a piece of music in a minor key, or played slowly with low notes. 20 20) Maybe we have just come to hear certain kinds of music as sad because we have learned to associate them in our culture with sad events like funerals.