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지문 분석결과
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제목 없음
The language performance of most persons with aphasia improves to some degree without much help from an SLP. This improvement is known as spontaneous recovery. The rate of recovery is generally faster during the first few weeks after the stroke, and the rate eventually slows down and becomes negligible after 6 months. Therefore, treatment of aphasia should be started as soon as the person's physical condition is stabilized. Early and continued treatment can be expected to increase the rate of recovery and help achieve sustained improvement in language behaviors. On the basis of the results of assessment, the clinician selects certain target behaviors for the particular client. For example, the clinician may determine that teaching naming skills is the best option for a given person. The client may be initially taught to correctly point to a particular picture when a set of pictures is presented and later may be taught to name them. For another client, functional communication involving verbalizing simple requests and names of family members may be judged appropriate. For still another client, understanding spoken speech may be the main target. In essence, the client's dominant symptoms guide the selection of treatment targets. Generally speaking, individuals with Broca's aphasia need treatment for more fluent verbal productions, and those with Wernicke's aphasia need help with auditory comprehension of spoken language. The goals of treatment, too, may vary depending on the individual. However, in all cases, functional communication – effective communication in natural settings – is the goal of aphasia treatment. To extent possible, reducing the client's social isolation and increasing social participation are the ultimate goals. If these goals can be achieved by teaching the clients verbal responses, gestures, writing, signing, or selecting of printed messages on a board or an electronic keyboard, so much the better. The clinician aims at helping the person regain as much language as possible and learn new skills that compensate for any residual problems. In the beginning, individual therapy is the most effective treatment option. After establishing certain communication skills, group therapy can be used to strengthen those behaviors and to encourage social interactions.
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문장에서 등장하는 단어를 fico가 대신 검색하여 제공해 드립니다. 단어를 눌러서 발음을 들어보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
sticky_note_2노트 메모
학습에 필요한 나만의 메모를 남겨보세요.
해당 문장에서 fico AI가 설정한 난이도 이상의 단어를 찾지 못했습니다.
상세한 구문 분석을 보고 싶은 문장을 선택하세요.
1 The language performance of most persons with aphasia improves to some degree without much help from an SLP. 2 This improvement is known as spontaneous recovery. 3 The rate of recovery is generally faster during the first few weeks after the stroke, and the rate eventually slows down and becomes negligible after 6 months. 4 Therefore, treatment of aphasia should be started as soon as the person's physical condition is stabilized. 5 Early and continued treatment can be expected to increase the rate of recovery and help achieve sustained improvement in language behaviors. 6 On the basis of the results of assessment, the clinician selects certain target behaviors for the particular client. 7 For example, the clinician may determine that teaching naming skills is the best option for a given person. 8 The client may be initially taught to correctly point to a particular picture when a set of pictures is presented and later may be taught to name them. 9 For another client, functional communication involving verbalizing simple requests and names of family members may be judged appropriate. 10 For still another client, understanding spoken speech may be the main target. 11 In essence, the client's dominant symptoms guide the selection of treatment targets. 12 Generally speaking, individuals with Broca's aphasia need treatment for more fluent verbal productions, and those with Wernicke's aphasia need help with auditory comprehension of spoken language. 13 The goals of treatment, too, may vary depending on the individual. 14 However, in all cases, functional communication – effective communication in natural settings – is the goal of aphasia treatment. 15 To extent possible, reducing the client's social isolation and increasing social participation are the ultimate goals. 16 If these goals can be achieved by teaching the clients verbal responses, gestures, writing, signing, or selecting of printed messages on a board or an electronic keyboard, so much the better. 17 The clinician aims at helping the person regain as much language as possible and learn new skills that compensate for any residual problems. 18 In the beginning, individual therapy is the most effective treatment option. 19 After establishing certain communication skills, group therapy can be used to strengthen those behaviors and to encourage social interactions.