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The mystery stems epecially from the island's gigantic stone statues (call moai), its improverished landscape, and the extreme isolation of a people living in what might have been an island paradise. Given enough timber and fiber for rope, a few hundred people could load a statue onto wooden sleds, drag it over lubricated wooden tracks, or rollers, and use log as levers to stand them up. Archaeologists have determined that twenty people, using only stone chisels made from hard stones available on the island, could carve even the largest completed statue within a year. The period of statue construction peaked around AD 1200 to 1500, with few if any statues erected thereafter. What happened to that organization, and how could it have arisen in such a barren landscape? To deepen the mystery, by 1864 all of the statues standing had been pulled down, by the islanders themselves. Roggeveen himself quickly recognized the problem the statue posed. The abandoned statues, meanwhile, were as much as 65 feet tall and weighed up to 270 tons. The islanders Roggeveen met were totally isolated, unware that other people existed. Most of the erected statues were carved in a single quarry containing a soft, volcanic stone and transported as far as six miles-despite heights as great as 33 feet and weight up to 82 tons. At least 700 more, in all stages of completion, were abandoned in quarries or on ancient roads between the quarries and the coast. Despite the Polynesians' fame as seafaring people, the Easter Islanders came out to R's ship by swimming or paddling canoes that Roggeveen described as bad and frail. Among the mysteries of human history, the mystery of Easter Island (called Rapa Nui in the Polynesian language) remains unsurpassed. Easter Island, with an area of only 64 square miles, lies in the nearest continent (South America), and 1400 miles from the nearest habitable island. Its subtropical location gives it a rather mild climate, while its vocanic origins make its soil rich and fertile. In theory, these blessings should have made Easter a miniature paradise, remote from problems that beset the rest of the world. The island derives its name from its Easter day discovery by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen in 1722. The island Roggeveen saw was not a paradise but a grassland without a single tree or bush over ten feet high. The islanders Roggeveen encountered encountered had no real firewood to warm themselves during Easter's cool, wet, windy winters. Their native animals included nothing larger than insects. The stone platforms were equally gigantic: up to 500 feet long and 10 feet high, with facing slabs weighing up to 10 tons. Without wheels and with no source of power except their own muscles, how did the islanders transport the giant statues? Why then did they carve them in the first place? Easter Island's most famous feature is its huge stone statues, more than 200 of which once stood on massive stone platforms lining the coast. Evidence comes from three fields: archaeology, pollen analysis, and paleontology. Archaeologists most often cite a population figure of 7000, but estimates range up to 20000. For domestic animals, they had only chickens. The leaky canoes, only ten feet long, held at most two people, and only three or four canoes were observed on the entire island. And why did they stop? Archaeological excavations, radiocarbon dating, and linguistic evidence suggest that human activities began around AD. Such an undertaking required complex political organization.
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1 The mystery stems epecially from the island's gigantic stone statues (call moai), its improverished landscape, and the extreme isolation of a people living in what might have been an island paradise. 2 Given enough timber and fiber for rope, a few hundred people could load a statue onto wooden sleds, drag it over lubricated wooden tracks, or rollers, and use log as levers to stand them up. 3 Archaeologists have determined that twenty people, using only stone chisels made from hard stones available on the island, could carve even the largest completed statue within a year. 4 The period of statue construction peaked around AD 1200 to 1500, with few if any statues erected thereafter. 5 What happened to that organization, and how could it have arisen in such a barren landscape? 6 To deepen the mystery, by 1864 all of the statues standing had been pulled down, by the islanders themselves. 7 Roggeveen himself quickly recognized the problem the statue posed. 8 The abandoned statues, meanwhile, were as much as 65 feet tall and weighed up to 270 tons. 9 The islanders Roggeveen met were totally isolated, unware that other people existed. 10 Most of the erected statues were carved in a single quarry containing a soft, volcanic stone and transported as far as six miles-despite heights as great as 33 feet and weight up to 82 tons. 11 At least 700 more, in all stages of completion, were abandoned in quarries or on ancient roads between the quarries and the coast. 12 Despite the Polynesians' fame as seafaring people, the Easter Islanders came out to R's ship by swimming or paddling canoes that Roggeveen described as bad and frail. 13 Among the mysteries of human history, the mystery of Easter Island (called Rapa Nui in the Polynesian language) remains unsurpassed. 14 Easter Island, with an area of only 64 square miles, lies in the nearest continent (South America), and 1400 miles from the nearest habitable island. 15 Its subtropical location gives it a rather mild climate, while its vocanic origins make its soil rich and fertile. 16 In theory, these blessings should have made Easter a miniature paradise, remote from problems that beset the rest of the world. 17 The island derives its name from its Easter day discovery by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen in 1722. 18 The island Roggeveen saw was not a paradise but a grassland without a single tree or bush over ten feet high. 19 The islanders Roggeveen encountered encountered had no real firewood to warm themselves during Easter's cool, wet, windy winters. 20 Their native animals included nothing larger than insects. 21 The stone platforms were equally gigantic: up to 500 feet long and 10 feet high, with facing slabs weighing up to 10 tons. 22 Without wheels and with no source of power except their own muscles, how did the islanders transport the giant statues? 23 Why then did they carve them in the first place? 24 Easter Island's most famous feature is its huge stone statues, more than 200 of which once stood on massive stone platforms lining the coast. 25 Evidence comes from three fields: archaeology, pollen analysis, and paleontology. 26 Archaeologists most often cite a population figure of 7000, but estimates range up to 20000. 27 For domestic animals, they had only chickens. 28 The leaky canoes, only ten feet long, held at most two people, and only three or four canoes were observed on the entire island. 29 And why did they stop? 30 Archaeological excavations, radiocarbon dating, and linguistic evidence suggest that human activities began around AD. 31 Such an undertaking required complex political organization.