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Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
UNIT 04 - READING 2 Maria Mitchell
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UNIT 04 - READING 2 Maria Mitchell
Maria Mitchell, the great astronomer and educator, was born in Nantucket, Massachusetts, in 1818. From a young age, she was always looking up at the stars. When her father noticed this, he taught her how to use a telescope, and the two often observed the night sky together. When Maria was only 12 years old, she and her father calculated the position of their home based on their observations of a solar eclipse. One day in 1847, when Mitchell was 28 years old, she was on the roof alone, scanning the night sky through a telescope. She noticed something unusual that looked like a star, but no star had ever been seen at its location. She concluded that it must be a comet that scientists had never charted before. She recorded its coordinates, and it turned out that she was right. This newly discovered comet, which was given the formal title C/1847 T1, was nicknamed "Miss Mitchell's Comet." This breakthrough brought her respect and recognition from other astronomers and scientists. Soon, she became America's first professional female astronomer. The next year, Mitchell was hired by the United States Nautical Almanac Office to help predict the location of the planet Venus. It was a mathematically rigorous job that required her to perform complex calculations. She later became a professor of astronomy at Vassar College, where she and her students observed and documented the extremely rare occurrence of Venus traversing the sun. Mitchell retired from teaching in 1888 and died shortly after, in 1889. To preserve her legacy, the Maria Mitchell Association was founded, and the observatory in Nantucket was named the Maria Mitchell Observatory in her honor. Even a crater on the moon and an asteroid were named after her. In 1994, Mitchell was inducted into the US National Women's Hall of Fame. Honors like these ensure that this incredible woman will continue to be remembered for her great achievements.
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1 Maria Mitchell, the great astronomer and educator, was born in Nantucket, Massachusetts, in 1818. 2 From a young age, she was always looking up at the stars. 3 When her father noticed this, he taught her how to use a telescope, and the two often observed the night sky together. 4 When Maria was only 12 years old, she and her father calculated the position of their home based on their observations of a solar eclipse. 5 One day in 1847, when Mitchell was 28 years old, she was on the roof alone, scanning the night sky through a telescope. 6 She noticed something unusual that looked like a star, but no star had ever been seen at its location. 7 She concluded that it must be a comet that scientists had never charted before. 8 She recorded its coordinates, and it turned out that she was right. 9 This newly discovered comet, which was given the formal title C/1847 T1, was nicknamed "Miss Mitchell's Comet." 10 This breakthrough brought her respect and recognition from other astronomers and scientists. 11 Soon, she became America's first professional female astronomer. 12 The next year, Mitchell was hired by the United States Nautical Almanac Office to help predict the location of the planet Venus. 13 It was a mathematically rigorous job that required her to perform complex calculations. 14 She later became a professor of astronomy at Vassar College, where she and her students observed and documented the extremely rare occurrence of Venus traversing the sun. 15 Mitchell retired from teaching in 1888 and died shortly after, in 1889. 16 To preserve her legacy, the Maria Mitchell Association was founded, and the observatory in Nantucket was named the Maria Mitchell Observatory in her honor. 17 Even a crater on the moon and an asteroid were named after her. 18 In 1994, Mitchell was inducted into the US National Women's Hall of Fame. 19 Honors like these ensure that this incredible woman will continue to be remembered for her great achievements.