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Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
UNIT 01 - READING 1 Alligator Snapping Turtle
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UNIT 01 - READING 1 Alligator Snapping Turtle
The alligator snapping turtle has an odd appearance. Its head is covered in rough ridges, and it has a sharp, hooked beak like a hawk's. It also grows quite large, weighing up to 100 kilograms. Because of its unique appearance and large size, the animal is called the dinosaur of the turtle world. Why Is It Called an "Alligator Snapping Turtle"? The species' strange name makes sense if you look at each word separately. The turtle's shell is covered with a series of pointed ridges, just like the skin of an alligator! That's where the first word comes from. The second is a description of how the turtle catches its prey. It snaps down on fish with its sharp, powerful beak! And finally, it's a member of the turtle family. A Patient Hunter's Waiting Game What is more amazing than its appearance and name, however, is the way it catches its dinner. The turtle sits perfectly still at the bottom of a river with its mouth wide open. It waits like this for a fish to pass by. It can wait so long that river algae will begin to cover its bumpy shell! Luckily, though, the turtle can also attract fish. By wiggling its pink tongue, it imitates the appearance of a worm. When a hungry fish comes by for a closer look, it gets snapped! A Purposeful Journey out of the Water Alligator snapping turtles live in lakes and streams. However, females venture onto land to build a nest and lay their eggs. They lay from 10 to 50 eggs at a time and bury them with dirt, sand, or whatever materials are available. Strangely, the sex of the young turtles depends on the temperature within the nest. When the temperature is moderate, more males are born, while above- or below-average temperatures result in more females!
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1 The alligator snapping turtle has an odd appearance. 2 Its head is covered in rough ridges, and it has a sharp, hooked beak like a hawk's. 3 It also grows quite large, weighing up to 100 kilograms. 4 Because of its unique appearance and large size, the animal is called the dinosaur of the turtle world. 5 Why Is It Called an "Alligator Snapping Turtle"? 6 The species' strange name makes sense if you look at each word separately. 7 The turtle's shell is covered with a series of pointed ridges, just like the skin of an alligator! 8 That's where the first word comes from. 9 The second is a description of how the turtle catches its prey. 10 It snaps down on fish with its sharp, powerful beak! 11 And finally, it's a member of the turtle family. 12 A Patient Hunter's Waiting Game What is more amazing than its appearance and name, however, is the way it catches its dinner. 13 The turtle sits perfectly still at the bottom of a river with its mouth wide open. 14 It waits like this for a fish to pass by. 15 It can wait so long that river algae will begin to cover its bumpy shell! 16 Luckily, though, the turtle can also attract fish. 17 By wiggling its pink tongue, it imitates the appearance of a worm. 18 When a hungry fish comes by for a closer look, it gets snapped! 19 A Purposeful Journey out of the Water Alligator snapping turtles live in lakes and streams. 20 However, females venture onto land to build a nest and lay their eggs. 21 They lay from 10 to 50 eggs at a time and bury them with dirt, sand, or whatever materials are available. 22 Strangely, the sex of the young turtles depends on the temperature within the nest. 23 When the temperature is moderate, more males are born, while above- or below-average temperatures result in more females!