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Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
UNIT 13 - READING 1 Lobster
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UNIT 13 - READING 1 Lobster
Freshly-cooked lobster has a savory, buttery flavor, and people pay a lot of money to enjoy it. It is also full of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Lobster is considered a luxury food, but it hasn't always been that way. Once it was considered a worthless food. When British settlers came to the New England area of North America in the 1600s, they found that lobsters washed up in huge piles on the beach after storms. They were easy to collect, but they spoiled too fast. The colonists thought the shore was covered in ugly, rotting sea cockroaches. Because of its abundance, both the Native Americans and the British easily got sick of lobster, and only the poor who couldn't afford other foods ate it. It was even fed to prisoners and slaves to keep costs down. However, changing times transformed people's ideas completely. In the mid-1800s, canning and railways caused lobster to become popular. First, canning made it possible to ship food over long distances. Cooked lobster could easily be canned, and it was still cheap. People thousands of miles to the west started to eat it as an inexpensive source of protein. Without knowing lobster's bad reputation in New England, they came to love it. Railroads then allowed tourists to visit New England and try fresh lobster, which fascinated them. Chefs discovered that boiling the lobsters alive made them taste better, and soon even New England locals started to lose their prejudice against the dish. Restaurants in other areas wanted to serve lobster too. It was costly to ship lobsters alive, so the price of the meal highly increased. By the early 1900s, lobster became a fashionable food for the wealthy. Its image had changed drastically in under 50 years. Lobster isn't the only food people have changed their minds about. Europeans once thought tomatoes were poisonous, and Americans thought of peanuts as food for farm animals. As times continue changing, what other foods will we open our minds to?
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1 Freshly-cooked lobster has a savory, buttery flavor, and people pay a lot of money to enjoy it. 2 It is also full of protein, vitamins, and minerals. 3 Lobster is considered a luxury food, but it hasn't always been that way. 4 Once it was considered a worthless food. 5 When British settlers came to the New England area of North America in the 1600s, they found that lobsters washed up in huge piles on the beach after storms. 6 They were easy to collect, but they spoiled too fast. 7 The colonists thought the shore was covered in ugly, rotting sea cockroaches. 8 Because of its abundance, both the Native Americans and the British easily got sick of lobster, and only the poor who couldn't afford other foods ate it. 9 It was even fed to prisoners and slaves to keep costs down. 10 However, changing times transformed people's ideas completely. 11 In the mid-1800s, canning and railways caused lobster to become popular. 12 First, canning made it possible to ship food over long distances. 13 Cooked lobster could easily be canned, and it was still cheap. 14 People thousands of miles to the west started to eat it as an inexpensive source of protein. 15 Without knowing lobster's bad reputation in New England, they came to love it. 16 Railroads then allowed tourists to visit New England and try fresh lobster, which fascinated them. 17 Chefs discovered that boiling the lobsters alive made them taste better, and soon even New England locals started to lose their prejudice against the dish. 18 Restaurants in other areas wanted to serve lobster too. 19 It was costly to ship lobsters alive, so the price of the meal highly increased. 20 By the early 1900s, lobster became a fashionable food for the wealthy. 21 Its image had changed drastically in under 50 years. 22 Lobster isn't the only food people have changed their minds about. 23 Europeans once thought tomatoes were poisonous, and Americans thought of peanuts as food for farm animals. 24 As times continue changing, what other foods will we open our minds to?