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Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
Reading Expert 3(2020)
UNIT 05 - READING 1 Avocados
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UNIT 05 - READING 1 Avocados
Avocados are a tropical fruit native to Central America. They are valued not only for their unique taste and texture, but also for their many health benefits. They contain essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Avocados are especially rich in potassium, which regulates blood pressure and lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes. What's more, they do not contain any cholesterol and are low in saturated fat. It is therefore not surprising that the EU imports about 440,000 metric tons of avocados each year. There is, however, a downside to avocados — we are simply growing too many of them. In Mexico, where 30% of the world's avocados are grown, the increasing demand for avocados has driven farmers to cut down woodlands and turn them into avocado groves. The woodlands are the natural habitat of monarch butterflies, along with other plants and animals. Although the Mexican government has taken steps to protect these natural areas, farmers continue to expand their groves illegally. In Chile, the rapid growth of the avocado industry has led to water shortages. This is because it takes about 1,000 liters of water to grow just one kilogram of avocados in the country's dry climate. In comparison, it takes around 110 liters of water to grow a kilogram of oranges. A kilogram of tomatoes can be produced using just about 63 liters of water. The avocado industry also harms the environment in other ways — dangerous chemicals are sprayed on groves, which makes the soil less fertile, and large amounts of wood are used to pack and ship them. Due to the environmental damage avocados cause, some restaurants in the UK have stopped serving them. Consumers should consider avoiding them as well, at least until the avocado industry finds more sustainable ways to grow their product.
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1 Avocados are a tropical fruit native to Central America. 2 They are valued not only for their unique taste and texture, but also for their many health benefits. 3 They contain essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. 4 Avocados are especially rich in potassium, which regulates blood pressure and lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes. 5 What's more, they do not contain any cholesterol and are low in saturated fat. 6 It is therefore not surprising that the EU imports about 440,000 metric tons of avocados each year. 7 There is, however, a downside to avocados — we are simply growing too many of them. 8 In Mexico, where 30% of the world's avocados are grown, the increasing demand for avocados has driven farmers to cut down woodlands and turn them into avocado groves. 9 The woodlands are the natural habitat of monarch butterflies, along with other plants and animals. 10 Although the Mexican government has taken steps to protect these natural areas, farmers continue to expand their groves illegally. 11 In Chile, the rapid growth of the avocado industry has led to water shortages. 12 This is because it takes about 1,000 liters of water to grow just one kilogram of avocados in the country's dry climate. 13 In comparison, it takes around 110 liters of water to grow a kilogram of oranges. 14 A kilogram of tomatoes can be produced using just about 63 liters of water. 15 The avocado industry also harms the environment in other ways — dangerous chemicals are sprayed on groves, which makes the soil less fertile, and large amounts of wood are used to pack and ship them. 16 Due to the environmental damage avocados cause, some restaurants in the UK have stopped serving them. 17 Consumers should consider avoiding them as well, at least until the avocado industry finds more sustainable ways to grow their product.